The Wende Lab attends the 2023 AHA Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Sessions in Boston MA. Dr. Ha and trainees, Sayan and Samuel, present their latest work (https://bcvs.apprisor.org/epsSearchBCVS.cfm).
The Wende Lab attends the 2023 AHA Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Sessions in Boston MA. Dr. Ha and trainees, Sayan and Samuel, present their latest work (https://bcvs.apprisor.org/epsSearchBCVS.cfm).
Sayan wins the 3rd place pre-doctoral trainee award for his oral presentation at the 2023 pre-BCVS Asian Cardiovascular Symposium.
Samuel was selected from a highly competitive applicant pool for one of three predoctoral traineeship positions in the NIH funded UAB Center for Exercise Medicine (UCEM) T32 program. T32 HD071866 “Interdisciplinary Training in Pathobiology and Rehabilitation Medicine“.
April 11th, 2023
Dr. Wende honored with a 2023 UAB Graduate School Dean’s Excellence in Mentorship Award!
Date: Mar. 9th 2023
Wende was awarded an R01 from NHLBI of the NIH entitled, “Novel roles of PDK2 in heart failure: Regulation of mitochondrial nuclear crosstalk via metabolic regulation and histone acetylation” (1R01HL167872-01). A brief introduction to the project: Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of mortality in the United States, with different etiologies of heart failure associated with distinct changes in mitochondrial substrate selection, utilization, and gene expression mediating these differences. Here we test the hypothesis that one family of kinases that regulate this process (i.e., PDKs) play distinct roles in mortality, cardiac hypertrophy, mitochondrial oxidative metabolism, and signaling to transcriptional pathways in the nucleus mediated by epigenetics (i.e., histone acetylation). We have developed new animal model systems of inducible and cardiomyocyte specific loss-of-function mice of the two cardiac enriched isoforms of this pathway (i.e., PDK2 and PDK4) to determine the mechanism of this regulation and test the potential of their isoform-specific impact on pressure-overload induced heart failure.
Bakshi receives an AHA 23PRE1022560 fellowship entitled: “Epigenetic regulation of gene expression in ischemic heart failure via EZH2 methyltransferase”
Nov. 2nd, 2022
Sayan B. and Samuel C. competed as Finalists in the 2022 UAB Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Finale. Sayan was selected as the 1st place winner and will represent UAB at the regional 3MT competition next year!
Sept. 23rd, 2022
At the 2022 UAB Department of Pathology Retreat, Sayan Bakshi awarded Outstanding Pre-Doc Poster Presentation, and Samuel Chang awarded Outstanding Data Blitz Presentation.
Sept. 19-21st, 2022
Dr. Jenna Ha places third at the 2022 Postdoctoral Research Day and wins the “Hardest Working Post-Doc Award” at the 2022 Post-Doc Awards Day.
Sayan Bakshi wins Best Flash Talk at the 2022 UAB GBS/GBSO Student Research Symposium for his talk titled, “Network Cluster Analysis and Hub Gene Identification Discover Racially Distinct Ischemic Heart Failure Signatures”