Mar. 7th 2022
Dr. Ha wins Keystone Symposium Future of Science Fund Scholarship for upcoming “Mitochondria, Metabolism and Heart” Meeting
Mar. 7th 2022
Dr. Ha wins Keystone Symposium Future of Science Fund Scholarship for upcoming “Mitochondria, Metabolism and Heart” Meeting
Jan. 8th 2022
Samuel C. wins the 1st place poster award in the Basic Sciences category at the 2022 Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association National Conference
Dr. Wende discusses our 2021 AJP paper (PMCID: PMC8163657) with Dr. Selwyn M. Vickers, MD, FACS, Dean of the Heersink School of Medicine (Episode 17). Read the full story here.
Mr. Potter receives 3rd Place for the oral abstract competition at the 13th Boshell Diabetes Research Day at Auburn University.
Dr. Ha receives 3rd Place for the trainee talk competition at the UAB Postdoctoral Research Day.
Dr. Ha receives an AHA 21POST00204815 fellowship entitled: “Roles of PDK deletion on cardiac protein acetylation in development of heart failure”.
Mr. Potter receives an NIH F31 HL154571 training grant entitled: “Interrogating the role and regulation of EGR2 in the diabetic heart”.
John C. Chatham, Ph.D., Professor, and Adam R. Wende, Ph.D., Associate Professor, in the Division of Molecular and Cellular Pathology, have been awarded a two-year, R21 grant from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to study the role of protein O-linked N-Acetylglucosamine in regulating cardiac physiology. Read full story here.
Dr. Wende uses his personal experiences to drive change for leukemia patients. Read the full story here.
Dr. Wende receives his first NIH R01 HL133011 grant entitled: “Glucose-mediated remodeling of cardiac DNA methylation”.