Linux Primer

Vinodh Srinivasasainagendra

Vinodh Srinivasasainagendra
Senior Systems Manager
Department of Biostatistics

Vinodh received his M.S degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Alabama at Birmingham with specialization in Optical Engineering in 2003 and a second M.S degree in Computer Science with specialization in High-Performance computing in 2004. Vinodh believes that collaborative computing is a critical element in carrying out interdisciplinary research involving computational science as a connecting medium. As an IT Manager, Vinodh works closely with the Heads of Divisions in the School of Public Health and Directors/Investigators of many research initiatives on-campus to efficiently strategize, manage and utilize Informatics and Information Technology (IT) as a medium to communicate science, bring innovation and inspire others through outreach activities like mentoring, teaching and training. Vinodh also offers technical direction on platform and technology selection, agile software development process, plan and implement new and significantly improved High-Performance computing systems.

Course Contents

Linux Primer – Introduction
Published on March 7, 2018

Linux Primer – Basic Commands
Published on Mar 7, 2018

External Funding:

  • NIGMS – online video portal & resources
  • NHGRI – lecture series resources
  • Hudson-Alpha Institute for Biotechnology

UAB Internal Funding:

  • Center for Clinical and Translational Science
  • Dean for Research, School of Medicine
  • Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health
  • Heflin Center for Genomic Science
  • Office of the Provost
  • Nutrition Obesity Research Center
  • School of Medicine
  • Vice President for Reseach and Economic Development