Director: Dr. Tina Kempin Reuter
Dr. Tina Kempin Reuter is the Director and the lead of the Equity, Justice and Empowerment Core at UAB Social Science and Justice Research (SSJR). Dr. Reuter is also the Director of the UAB Institute for Human Rights and Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration and the Department of Anthropology, specializing in human rights, peace studies, and international politics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Her research focuses on human rights with a particular emphasis on the struggle of vulnerable and marginalized populations, including minorities, persons with disabilities, refugees and migrants, women, children, the LGBTQ community, and people dealing with the consequences of poverty. Dr. Kempin Reuter holds a PhD in International Relations and International Law and an MA in Contemporary History, Economics, and International Law from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Learn more about Dr. Reuter’s research.
Associate Director: Dr. Peter Jones
Dr. Peter Jones is the lead of SSJR’s Public Policy Analysis Core. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration. Broadly, his research focuses on the public budgeting processes and financial management of local and state governments. He also studies K-12 public schools and considers the financial ramifications of various public policy issues. Dr. Jones co-leads the Alabama Chapter for Scholars Strategy Network (SSN), a national organization of university-based scholars who are committed to using research to improve policy and strengthen democracy. SSN is nonpartisan and focuses on connecting academic experts with policy makers, journalists, and civic leaders so that they have the best information to craft policy. He is also an affiliated researcher with the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama and served on the Alabama State Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Dr. Jones holds a PhD in Public Policy and Administration from the Martin School of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Kentucky. Learn more about Dr. Jones’ research.
Associate Director: Dr. Dione King
Dr. Dione King leads SSJR’s Health Equity and Justice Core. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work. As a community-engaged researcher, Dr. King’s professional social work values of service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, integrity, competence, and the importance of human relationships are evident throughout her scholarship. Dr. King’s research examines health behaviors, health disparities, and health determinants impacting underrepresented and marginalized populations. More specifically, her work explores issues that affect the health and well-being of Black girls and young adults such as dating violence, sexual and reproductive health, and systemic and structural determinants. Dr. King’s research is largely informed by her social work practice experience with children and families in a range of clinical and community settings. Dr. King holds a PhD in Social Work and Masters in Social Work from the University of Georgia. Learn more about Dr. King’s research.
Associate Director: Dr. Tara Warner
Dr. Tara Warner leads SSJR’s Violence Prevention and Reduction Core. She is an Associate Professor in the J. Frank Barefield, Jr. Department of Criminal Justice at UAB and a Research Affiliate at the Center for Family & Demographic Research at Bowling Green State University (BGSU). Dr. Warner holds a PhD in Sociology from BGSU and an MA in Crime, Law, and Justice from The Pennsylvania State University. As a sociological criminologist, her research examines a variety of issues surrounding how individuals experience and respond to threat, including—but not limited to—threats of violence and victimization. In one line of work, she highlights the social, emotional, and developmental consequences of violent victimization in adolescence. In a second line of research, she explores how victimization fears and group status threats shape current patterns of firearm-related attitudes and behaviors in the U.S. Learn more about Dr. Warner’s research.