UAB Social Science and Justice Research (SSJR) offers a variety of opportunities to researchers in the social sciences and those who would like to include social justice and equity perspectives into their research agenda. Opportunities include (click on each box to expand):

SSJR Fellowship Application – Fall 2023

Due date: September 15, 2023

The UAB Social Science and Justice Research (SSJR) pilot UWIRC Program invites applications for the second cohort of SSJR Fellows. The SSJR Fellowship lasts one semester and focuses on specific skill development relating to social science and justice research. SSJR fellows participate in SSJR workshops and receive additional training and feedback. Early investigators and junior faculty or faculty at all levels who are new to social science and justice-related research are encouraged to apply.

The SSJR Fellowship Program has the following objectives:

  • Develop independent researchers in social science and justice research through mentored training.
  • Provide training on the research approaches and viewpoints social science and justice research can offer non-social science disciplines.
  • Teach scientific writing and specific research skills such as grant writing, methods in social science and justice research, and collaborative approaches.
  • Provide instruction on working in interdisciplinary teams.

The fall 2023 iteration of the SSJR Fellowship Program focuses on grant writing. Participants will be taught grant preparation skills with the tangible goal to produce grant applications and new interdisciplinary projects that incorporate social science perspectives and/or policies of equity, inclusion, justice, and human rights suitable for submission to an external agency. The final product will be a grant proposal written (and submitted, pending applicable submission deadlines) by each fellow during the training period or shortly after.

Portions of the program will include both in-person and virtual training courses and independent grant development. See below for a the details for each meeting/workshop.  

Date/Time Delivery Topic
Tuesday, 10/3, 3:30-6:00 pm in-person Workshop: Finding funding and grant writing basics
Social mixer with former fellows to follow
Wednesday, 10/11, 12:00-1:00 pm

Zoom Workshop and writing session: Specific aims and biosketch workshop and writing session
Wednesday, 11/8, 12:00-1:00 pm Zoom Workshop and writing session: Budget, Budget justification
Tuesday, 12/5, 10:00-2:00 pm pm In-person SSJR Fellows Working Day

To apply, please submit your CV and short Statement of Interest (500 words)The application deadline is Friday, September 15, at 11:59 pm. Selected applicants will be notified during the second half of September. For questions or concerns, please email

Pilot Grant Applications for UAB Social Science and Justice Research

Download a PDF document of the RFA 

The mission of the UAB Social Science and Justice Research (SSJR) pilot UWIRC is to amplify empirical and evidence-based solutions to some of the most critical global-, national-, and local-level social problems facing our society, highlighting issues relating to access, inclusion, equity, justice, and human rights.

SSJR invites applications for pilot studies to support new research initiatives in any area related to the center’s four intersecting core initiatives: (1) Equity, Justice, and Empowerment; (2) Violence Prevention and Reduction; (3) Health Equity and Justice; and (4) Public Policy Analysis. SSJR will provide funding for internal grant applications proposing research projects that support SSJR’s goal of prioritizing underserved and marginalized communities experiencing inequities, injustices, and lack of inclusion and access.

Funding Levels: Pilot funding will be up to $20,000, but we invite proposals with a wide range of budgets, including for individual projects with a promise for interdisciplinary work. Pilot funding is intended to provide initial project support for new investigators, allow exploration of innovative new directions for established investigators, and encourage investigators from other areas to incorporate a social science lens into their current expertise. The number of applications funded will depend on the size and scope of projects proposed.  

Eligibility Criteria: UAB faculty and postdoctoral fellows are eligible. Preference will be given to proposals that are interdisciplinary and/or that seek to integrate early-stage faculty with other UAB researchers or community partners/stakeholders. Proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries via the context of a team science approach and/or community-engaged research are encouraged.

Process: Interested researchers should submit a concept paper (outlined below) in a single PDF. Please submit electronically to by March 1. The review committee will review submissions and return feedback by March 15, with full applications due April 25. Funding is expected to start June 1.   


Request for Proposals (RFP) Released: January 31, 2024

Deadline for 2-page Concept: March 1, 2024 

Concept paper feedback provided to investigator: March 15, 2024

Deadline for Full Applications: April 25, 2024

Awards Announcement: May 24, 2024

Funding Start: June 1, 2024

Concept Proposals

Download the template for Concept Proposals: SSJR Concept Proposal-Template

Please submit Concept Proposals in a single PDF file to

Concept Proposals should include

    • Face page including
      • Project Title
      • Names of Principal Investigator(s), mentor(s), and community partner(s) if applicable
    • Research Plan (limited to 2 pages, 12 point font, single-spaced) including
      • Aims: Outline the specific aims and/or hypothesis of what the proposed study aims to accomplish.
      • Research Design: Briefly discuss preliminary data (if any), background of the project, and methods.
      • Significance and Innovation: Briefly discuss the significance of the proposed project in the context of social science and justice research. Describe the innovative nature of the proposal and how the proposed research is aligned with and support the mission of the Social Science and Justice Research.
      • Budget Synopsis: Include a short paragraph on what grant funding would be used for.
      • Team Description (if applicable): Include a short paragraph on the research team and roles.
      • References (not counted as part of the two pages of the research plan)
    • Biosketches (NIH or NSF) or abbreviated CV (up to 5 pages) for all investigators

Researchers whose Concept Proposals are selected for submission of a full proposal will be notified by email. 

Full Applications

Full Proposals are by invitation only.

Download the template for full proposals: SSJR Full Application-Template

Please submit Full Applications in a single PDF file to

Full Proposals include:

    • Face Page
      • Project Title
      • Names of Names of Principal Investigator(s), mentor(s), and community partner(s) if applicable
    • Executive Summary
      • Project summary (500 words)
      • Impact statement (200 words)
    • Budget and budget justification (no page limit)
    • Research Plan (no more than 4 pages, 12 pt font, single-spaced) including
      • Aims (suggested length: 0.5 page)
      • Background (suggested length: 0.5 page)
      • Significance and Innovation (suggested length: 1 page)
      • Research Design and Methods (suggested length: 1.5-2 pages)
      • References (not counted as part of the four pages of the research plan)
    • Biosketches/CVs for all investigators and community partners (if applicable)
    • Letters of support from collaborators essential to the project (e.g., community partners)

Budget: Maximum direct costs are $20,000. Indirect costs are not allowed. Awards are one year in length. Funds must be spent within a year of grant award. Salary support for faculty can be requested but should not constitute the main portion of the award. This does not include support for students and trainees. 

Review Criteria: A scientific committee including SSJR leadership and external reviewers will review the applications. Criteria for selection are primarily based upon the scientific impact, investigator(s), significance, approach, and innovation. Specifically, the project will be evaluated for its social justice impact, and how well it is aligned with the goals of the SSJR. Applications must clearly describe the feasibility of the approach. Applications based on a high degree of innovation are preferred.

Award Details: Funding will be awarded from June 1, 2024. Additional stipulations include:

    • Applicants chosen for funding will be expected to present the details of their study at an SSJR Seminar. Other presentations, including a ‘research in progress talk’ (midway) and at the end of the funding period may also be requested.
    • Awardees will be required to submit quarterly progress reports.
    • For all human subject research, Institutional Review Board approvals (or progress towards approval) will need to be included in the first quarterly report. We encourage researchers to start the application process for IRB approval early.
    • Awardees will be asked to submit a list of productivity outcomes (e.g. abstracts, publications, grants, presentations) related to the award after the funding cycle ends.
    • Support from this mechanism must be acknowledged in all publications and presentations.
    • If for any reason the awardee is unable to fulfill the requirements or adhere to the policies of the award, at the discretion of the funding mechanism leadership, the award may be revoked.

For questions or more information: Please contact

Check out our SSJR Events Calendar for a full list of upcoming and past research seminars, workshops, and conferences. 


Finding Funding for Social Science and Justice Research

Monica Stinnett, Director of Research Operations, College of Arts and Sciences
Wednesday, February 22, 2023


Join us for our weekly virtual writing sessions on Friday mornings, 9:00-10:30 am. These are informal – you can pop in and out as needed. The idea is that everyone who is available and ready to write meets, briefly states their goal for the session, and then we each write/read/research until shortly before the end of the session. At the end, participants can discuss what they have accomplished. Some of us will meet afterwards at the Commons for Faculty Friday lunch – everyone is invited to join us. Put the writing sessions on your calendar.