Qin Wang, MD, PhD is a Professor in the Department of Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology. She is an expert in molecular neuropharmacology and signaling research. She graduated from Beijing Medical University (i.e. Peking University Health Science Center) with a medical degree and University of Iowa with a PhD degree. She joined the faculty of Vanderbilt University Medical Center in 2002 after two years of postdoctoral training there. In 2005, she was recruited to University of Alabama at Birmingham. She has published over 60 scientific articles on high profile journals including Science, Science Translational Medicine, and PNAS. She serves as an Associate Editor or on editorial board for several journals and on review panels for NIH and AHA study sections, and acts as an active member of multiple organizing committees and advisory boards including serving as the Secretary/treasurer of the Molecular Pharmacology Executive Committee in ASPET.