Research Focus
We are a highly motivated group of scientists doing translational neuropharmacology research. Our lab is interested in receptor neuropharmacology and synaptic signaling of neurotransmitters and hormones under normal and disease conditions. We implement a variety of approaches including genetic, cell biological, biochemical, single-cell transcriptomic, proteomic, pharmacological and behavioral approaches. We utilize mouse models, human postmortem tissues and human iPSC-derived brain cells. Our ultimate goal is to discover cures for neuropsychiatric disorders.
The projects we are currently working on are:
1. Molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis
Some of our focus are:
a) noradrenergic dysfunction and adrenergic signaling in AD;
b) regulation of endosomal trafficking and its involvement in AD pathogenesis;
c) astrocyte reactivity in AD;
d) tumors and related therapies as risk factors for AD.
2. Cognition and complex behaviors
a) synaptic signaling in autism;
b) epigenetic regulation of anxiety and
c) a novel mouse model for ADHD.
3. Selective targeting of GPCRs
a) neural-specific enhancement of adenosine receptor for neuroprotection;
b) signaling-specific targeting of adrenergic receptor for AD.