40th Annual Meeting of the AAES

L to R: Dr. Sareh Parengi (Association of Women Surgeons), Dr. Minerva Romero Arenas (Latino Surgical Society), Dr. Malcom Brock (Society of Black Academic Surgeons) and Dr. Nippun Merchant (Society of Asian Academic Surgeons) and Dr. Herbert Chen (President of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons)

APRIL 7-9, 2019 Los Angeles, CA – Our lab was able to attend the American Association of Endocrine Surgeon’s 40th Annual Meeting at Los Angeles, CA.

This year, the conference was not only full of interesting research but also of amazing panels. In particular, we all loved the Diversity and Inclusion Panel (it even went overtime and nobody minds!).

During this meeting we had two oral presentations lead by Brendon Herring and Rachael Guenter and one poster presentation by Danilea M Carmona Matos.

Danilea Carmona Matos during her poster presentation on Mycotoxins against aggressive thyroid cancers.
Rachael Guenter during her oral presentation on induction of SSTR2 receptors for NET imaging.