Publications & Policies
MWCCS Concept Sheet, Publication Policies, and Procedures
Quick Glance – MWCCS Review Process
MWCCS Acknowledgement
Submit a Manuscript or Abstract for EC Review
Step 1: Work with your co-authors to write the manuscript or abstract. We encourage inclusion of assigned co-authors early in the process (before the final draft of the manuscript is ready).
Step 2: Approval from all assigned co-authors is required prior to manuscript or abstract submission to the MWCCS EC for review and approval.
Step 3: Go to your unique Investigator View in DACCTrack. If you do not have the link to your unique Investigator View, please click here to submit a request to look up your Investigator View link.
Step 4: Once you are in your Investigator View, you will see a Review Status called *Approved on the left-hand side. Listed below this status are all of your approved projects. Find the README# that you want to submit an associated manuscript/abstract for and then scroll to the right to the MS/Abstract Submission Form link.
Step 5: Click on MWCCS Manuscript, Abstract Submission Form.
Step 6: Fill out the MWCCS Manuscript, Abstract Submission Form and upload your manuscript or abstract to this form.
Step 7: Your manuscript or abstract will be received by DACC staff. DACC staff will review the submission form for completeness and will confirm that the assigned MWCCS co-authors have been included. You will receive an automated email when the manuscript or abstract has been circulated to the EC for review and approval.
Step 8: The MWCCS EC has seven business days to review a manuscript and five business days to review an abstract.
Step 9: DACC will collate and communicate all EC feedback to the investigator. If you do not receive feedback within the prescribed review period, you may submit your manuscript to a journal or abstract to a conference.
How to: Submit a Publication
Investigators are required to submit all published manuscripts to the NIHMS system for assignment of a PMCID number. Failure to submit may result in future restrictions on the use of MWCCS data/specimens. Some journals will submit to the NIHMS system on your behalf (see list here).
After completion of the analyses defined in the MWCCS CS (i.e., dissemination of study findings in the form of a manuscript submitted to a peer-reviewed scientific journal):
• Investigator must destroy all copies of the limited dataset within 60 days.
• Investigator must send copy of all primary data to DACC (
• If specimen testing, all laboratory results must be sent to MWCCS for archival purposes (
Once your manuscript has been published and the PMCID number has been assigned, fill out the MACS/WIHS CCS Manuscript Abstract Submission Form. This allows DACC to track MWCCS publications and add all new publications to the MWCCS Publications List.