General Requirement
Newly Enrolled Men
- Between 30 and 70 years old
- Able and willing to provide informed consent
- Participate in a baseline visit
- Participants must consent to have their specimens stored in the MWCCS national repository
- Agree to be re-tested for HIV or provide hardcopy documentation of status
Additional Eligibility Requirements
Postive Enrollees
HIV Positive Men
- Documented HIV seropositivity
- Documented on-HAART and pre-HAART CD4 counts and HIV RNA quantification, if appropriate (i.e., HIV-positive, self-reported HAART)
Negative Enrollees
HIV Negative Men (at least one of the high-risk exposure criteria within five years of screening)
- Diagnosis with >2 STIs
- Unprotected sex with 6 or more men or women
- Exchange of sex for drugs, money, or shelter
- Sex with known HIV positive individual
- Injection drug use or use of crack, cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine
- Partner who engages in behaviors as listed above
NCAB Resources
MWCCS study visits are full of detailed information. We compiled a list of resources to assist
participants in a better understanding of their MWCCS visits.
This study is currently closed to the enrollment of female study participants. If this changes, a notice will be added to the website. Please check back.
Thank you for your interest.