Current Sub-Studies
As a MWCCS study participant, you may be eligible to participate in a number of sub-studies.
Study staff will confirm study eligibility.
Hospitalization Ascertainment Study
At your core MWCCS visit, you will be given a card. When you are hospitalized, go to the emergency room or have a medical procedure done, please call the MWCCS staff. We will ask you some questions and gather details about your visit. Compensation will be provided.
2D Echocardiography Study
The main goal of the proposed research is to determine if HIV infection has an effect on cardiovascular health and if specific factors and medications might affect the heart’s structure and function of women living with and at-risk for HIV infection. We will use a 2D echocardiography using a 2.5-3.5 MHz probe Echocardiography (ECHO) imagining machine. This procedure will occur during a separate MWCCS visit. Compensation will be provided.
Neurocognitive Study
You will be asked to complete a neurocognitive assessment with a trained MWCCS staff member. This test is being done to examine the effects of HIV infection, HIV treatment, and drug usage on your mental state. The visit will require that you read a series of words, recognize certain shapes, solve problems, memorize objects, and perform mental tasks. The test will be administered verbally in a paper and pencil format with the addition of a pegboard. This test will take about 60 minutes. Compensation will be provided.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate your liver function over a period of time. This test is non-invasive. A small metal device called a probe is placed next to your skin and sends an ultrasound wave across your liver. This procedure takes 15-20 minutes. Compensation will be provided.
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) Assessment
The purpose of this study is to explore your lung function to better understand how lung disease develops in individuals living with or at-risk for HIV infection. We will use a tube-like device called a spirometer to evaluate lung capacity. You will be asked to breathe into the spirometer that will measure the flow of gas from your lungs. Compensation will be provided.
Microbiome (Stool) Study
The microbiome sub-study will involve a single stool specimen collection. Study personnel will distribute and instruct study participants as to how to use the at-home stool collection kit. The pre-paid kits will be provided by Dr. Robbie Burk’s laboratory at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Compensation will be provided.
Sleep Study
The purpose of this study is to understand the association of sleep with HIV-related medical conditions. Study participants will wear an Actiwatch Spectrum plus (watch-like device) on their wrist as they sleep for one night. The device is portable and will measure sleep-wake patterns. Compensation will be provided.
Oral Assessment
The MWCCS Oral Assessment examines the physical state of the structures within your mouth. You will be given a brief oral questionnaire, study staff will examine your mouth and teeth, and samples will be collected (salvia and scope rinse). This procedure will last for 10 minutes. Compensation will be provided.
International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI)
The CIDI is a comprehensive standardized diagnostic interview designed to assess mental health disorders. This one-hour computer assisted personal interview will include a number of questions related to your lifestyle, family history and past experiences. Compensation will be provided.