Dr. Pariya Wheeler Receives Five-Year $3.3M R01 Grant

Dr. Pariya Fazeli Wheeler, PhD (Associate Professor, Nursing Family, Community, and Health Systems)

Congratulations to Dr. Pariya Wheeler in the UAB School of Nursing Associates. Dr. Wheeler along with Dr. Andrea Norcini Pala of Columbia University was awarded a five-year, $3.3 million dollar R01 grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). The grant will study the effects of immune activation on neurocognitive impairment and the role of psychosocial factors among women living with HIV. Drs. Wheeler and Pala will utilize existing data and biospecimen available for the women in the MACS/WIHS Combined Cohort Study (MWCCS) to examine the interplay of neurobiological and psychosocial mechanisms underpinning cognitive impairment profiles over time among women living with HIV.

Click HERE to find out more about this exciting research!