Dr. Turan receives funding to study material-need insecurities among MWCCS participants

MPI Bulent Turan/Sheri Weiser/Edward Frongillo: Intersection of Material-Need Insecurities and HIV and Cardiovascular Health

Dr. Bulent Turan, Associate Professor in UAB’s College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Psychology along with Dr. Sheri Weiser (U of California San Francisco), and Dr. Edward Frongillo (U of South Carolina) have been awarded R01-funding by the NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to study the “Intersection of Material-Need Insecurities and HIV and Cardiovascular Health”. This study will examine the separate and intersectional effects of four specific material-need insecurities (food, housing, financial, and healthcare insecurity) on HIV and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk outcomes using latent profile and latent transition analyses. The inability to have basic needs met such as food, housing, healthcare, or money may affect health outcomes among people living with HIV and at-risk for HIV.

Dr. Turan and his team hope to better understand how insecurities may co-occur, among which populations, and how they may or may not combine to affect synergistically HIV and CVD outcomes. Researchers will leverage the extensive physical exam, laboratory and survey data from the MWCCS, and add survey measures and blood collection in a longitudinal five-year study among >3000 HIV-infected and at-risk study participants.

For more information on this grant, visit https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-HL155226-01