Policy Brief: Health implications of ARPA funding dedicated to on-site wastewater systems in the Black Belt area of Alabama
March 14, 2023 | Kimberly Randall, LHC Staff A number of Alabama residents, particularly in the Black Belt area, are unable to connect to centralized water and sewage utilities and instead rely on on-site sanitation systems, or septic tanks. These systems are costly,...
Policy Watch: Alabama Bill Looks to Decrease Correctional Incentive Time in State Prison System
March 6, 2023 | Kimberly Randall, LHC Staff As the 2023 Alabama Legislative Session begins on March 6 with Governor Ivey’s State of the State Address, dozens of bills have been pre-filed over the last few weeks. This year starts the first of a four-year term with new...
Student Reflections from APHA 2022
The mission of the Lister Hill Center for Health Policy (LHC) is to connect and support those seeking to improve health outcomes through policy. A key aim in achieving pursuing our mission is to empower students to affect policy change. We support students’ growth in...
Policy Watch: Alabama legislature authorizes enhanced lead regulations
September 6, 2022 | Anantha Korrapati, LHC Intern Lead is a natural chemical commonly used in various products such as household paint (before 1978), gasoline (before 1995), and plumbing pipes and fixtures. However, it is a potent neurotoxin that harms people,...
Policy Watch: Alabama Becomes First State to Enact Elder Abuse Registry
July 12, 2022 | Anantha Korrapati, LHC Student Intern & Kimberly Randall, LHC Program Manager Background Elder abuse is a prevalent issue in the United States and comes in various forms, such as physical harm, neglect or desertion, financial exploitation, and...
Policy Review: Birmingham Bus Rapid Transit System
May 16, 2022 | Anushree Gade, LHC Intern Introduction Public transit has emerged as a vital public service. Metropolitan cities across the world feature a multitude of rapid transit systems (subways, trams, buses, etc.). Such systems are also present in...
Policy Watch: Alabama Establishes Grant Program for Public Schools to Provide Feminine Hygeine Products to Students
April 6, 2022 | Kimberly Randall, Lister Hill Center Staff Background The purchase of menstruation products has historically caused financial hardship to a large percentage of the population, particularly individuals and families below the poverty line. In Alabama,...
Policy Works: State Department Announces Non-Binary Option on U.S. Passport
March 31, 2022 | Kimberly Randall, Lister Hill Center for Health Policy Background: Since their inception, United States government documents have only allowed two options for gender selection: male or female. The modern understanding of gender identity has shifted...
Policy Watch: The Establishment of the Alabama Voluntary Firearm Do-Not-Sell Database
March 22, 2022 | Kimberly Randall, Lister Hill Center Program Coordinator Background Currently, in the state of Alabama, the ability to buy a firearm is available to most adults over the age of 18, with certain weapons restricted to citizens over the age of 21....
Policy Watch: Alabama Lawmakers Propose Mandated Mental Health Professionals in K-12 Schools
March 17, 2022 | Kimberly Randall, Lister Hill Center Program Coordinator Image Courtesy of Getty Images Background In 2009, the Institute of Medicine compiled a report that recommended local and state governments develop a system to increase access to resources for...
Glossary of Terms
Policy Watch: Policy Watch publications are modeled after a traditional white paper but contain plain-text, interdisciplinary analyses of active pieces of legislation or court cases that have potential outcomes on community health. These pieces include the background, text, impact, and next steps of a particular policy initiative, along with providing resources for how to get involved as a constituent or researcher.
Policy Review: Policy Review publications operate as a legislative review of current policies and provide a comparison to other peer cities, states, or countries on a specific health topic. These publications highlight room for growth or change with positive health outcomes.
Policy Works: Following the successful implementation of an executive order, resolution, legislation, court decision, or other policy mechanisms, Policy Works evaluates the effectiveness and impact on community health from origination to the present day.
Policy Brief: Everything you need to know, all in one place. Policy briefs are a traditional form of civic engagement used to encapsulate broad, often complex, situations and create a one-page document that’s easy to read and distribute to policymakers and citizens alike.
Policy Surveillance: Policy Surveillance is an initiative that the Lister Hill Center partnered with Drexel University to monitor legislation and policy changes at the municipal levels in Birmingham.