“Probing the Redox Reactivity of Alkyl Bound Astatine: A Study on the Formation and Cleavage of a Stable At–C Bond.” Cover Perera, J. S.; Pyles, J. M.; Srivastava, A. K.; Lawrence, C. C.; Le, M.; Bills, L. A.; Tobar, J. M.; Tabacaru, G. C.; McIntosh, L. A.; Yennello, S. J.; and Burns, J. D.*; Inorg. Chem. 2025 64 (2), 911–921, Feature on Inorg. Chem. supplementary cover
“Remote Sensing of Nitric Acid and Temperature via Design of Experiments, Chemometrics, and Raman Spectroscopy” Russell, D. V.; Sadergaski, L. R.*; Einkauf, J. E.; Delmau, L. H.; Burns, J. D.*; ACS Omega 2024 9 (45), 45600–45609.

“Leveraging Design of Experiments to Build Chemometric Models for the Quantification of Uranium(VI) and HNO3 by Raman Spectroscopy” Sadergaski, L. R.*, Einkauf, J. D.; Delmau, L. H.; Burns, J. D.*; Front. Nucl. Eng. 2024, 3, 1411840.
“Production, Isolation, and Shipment of Clinically Relevant Quantities of Astatine-211: A Simple and Efficient Approach to Increasing Supply” McIntosh, L. A.*; Burns, J. D.*; Tereshatov, E. E.; Muzzioli, R.; Hagel, K. J.; Jinadu, N.A.; McCann, L. A.; Picayo, G. A.; Pisaneschi, F.; Piwnica-Worms, D.; Schultz, S. J.; Tabacaru, G. C.; Abbot, A.; Green, B.; Habkins, T.; Hannaman, A.; Harvey, B.; Lofton, K.; Rider, R.; Sorensen, M.; Tabacaru, A.; Tobin, Z.; and Yennello, S. J.; Nucl. Med. Biol. 2023, 126-127, 108387.

“Behavior of astatine and bismuth in non-conventional solvents: Extraction into imidazolium-based ionic liquid and methyl anthranilate with active pharmaceuticals binary mixtures from nitric acid media” Tereshatov, E. E.*; Burns, J. D.; Vonder Haar, A. L.; Schultz, S. J.; McIntosh, L. A.; Tabacaru, G. C.; McCann, L. A.; Avial, G.; Hannaman, A.; Hood, A.; Lofton, K.; McCarthy, M. A.; Sorensen, M.; and Yennello, S. J.; Sep. Purif. Technol. 2023, 326, 124715.
“Ion exchange behavior of astatine and bismuth” Tereshatov, E. E.*; Burns, J. D.; Schultz, S. J.; Green, B. D.; Picayo, G. A.; McCann, L. A.; McIntosh, L. A.; Tabacaru, G. C.; Abbot, A.; Berko, M.; Engelthaler, E.; Hagel, K.; Hankins, T.; Harvey, B.; Hoekstra, L.; Lofton, K.; Regener, S.; Rider, R.; Sorensen, M.; Tabacaru, A.; Thomas, D.; Tobar, J.; Tobin, Z.; and Yennello, S. J.; New. J. Chem. 2023, 47 (25), 12037–12047.

“Mechanism of astatine and bismuth sorption on extraction chromatography resins from nitric acid media” Tereshatov, E. E.; Burns, J. D.; Schultz, S. J.; Green, B. D.; Picayo, G. A.; McCann, L. A.; McIntosh, L. A.; Tabacaru, G. C.; Abbot, A.; Berko, M.; Engelthaler, E.; Hagel, K.; Hankins, T.; Harvey, B.; Hoekstra, L.; Lofton, K.; Regener, S.; Rider, R.; Sorensen, M.; Tabacaru, A.; and Yennello, S. J.; Chem. Eng. J. 2023, 464 142742.
“Complexation of astatine(III) with ketones: Evidence of Lewis acid character through mono and bidentate dative bond formation” Burns, J. D.; Tereshatov, E. E.; Zhang, B.; Tabacaru, G. C.; McIntosh, L. A.; Schultz, S. J.; McCann, L. A.; Harvey, B. M.; Hannaman, A.; Lofton, K. N.; Sorensen, M. Q.; Vonder Haar, A. L.; Hall, M. B.; and Yennello, S. J.; Inorg. Chem. 2022, 61 (31) 12087–12096.

“Compact automated apparatus for rapid astatine recovery from nitric acid media: Design, application, and impurity characterization” Tereshatov, E. E.*; Burns, J. D.; Schultz, S. J.; McCann, L. A.; McIntosh, L. A.; Tabacaru, G. C.; Berko, M.; Engelthaler, E.; Hannaman, A.; Harvey, B.; Lofton, K.; Tabacaru, A.; Tobin, Z.; and Yennello, S. J.; Chem. Eng. J. 2022, 442, 136176.
“Separation, speciation, and mechanism of astatine and bismuth extraction from nitric acid into 1-octanol and methyl anthranilate” Tereshatov, E. E.*; Burns, J. D.; Vonder Haar, A. L.; Schultz, S. J.; McIntosh, L. A.; Tabacaru, G. C.; McCann, L. A.; Avial, G.; Hannaman, A.; Lofton, K. N.; McCarthy, M. A.; Zhang, B.; Hall, M. B.; and Yennello, S. J.; Sep. Purif. Technol. 2022, 282, 120088.

“Spectroscopic characterization of neptunium(VI), plutonium(VI), and americium(VI) and neptunium(V) encapsulated in uranyl nitrate hexahydrate” Yu, X.; Einkauf, J. D.; Bryantsev, V. S.; Cheshire, M. C.; Reinhart, B. J.; Autschbach, J.; and Burns, J. D.; Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2021, 23, 13228-13241.

“Rapid recovery of At-211 by extraction chromatography” Burns, J. D.; Tereshatov, E. E.; Avial, G.; Glennon, K. J.; Hannaman, A.; Lofton, K. N.; McCann, L. A.; McCarthy, M. A.; McIntosh, L. A.; Schultz, S. J.; Tabacaru, G. C.; Vonder Haar, A. L.; and Yennello, S. J.; Sep. Purif. Technol. 2021, 256, 117794.

“Ion exchange kinetics of alpha-zirconium phosphate nanoplatelets for application in targeted alpha therapy” Einkauf, J. D.; Ortega, L. H.; McDeavitt, S. M.; and Burns, J. D.; Solvent Extr. Ion Exch. 2020, 38 (8), 612-628.
“Abe Clearfield and Inorganic Ion Exchange: A Crystallographer’s Approach to Understanding Reactions and Mechanisms” Burns, J. D.; Solvent Extr. Ion Exch. 2020, 38 (8), 571-572.
“Astatine partitioning between nitric acid and conventional solvents: Indication of covalency in ketone complexation of AtO+” Burns, J. D.; Tereshatov, E. E.; McCarthy, M. A.; McIntosh, L. A.; Tabacaru, G. C.; Yang, X.; Hall, M. B.;and Yennello, S. J.; ChemComm 2020, 56 (63), 9004-9007.

“Recovery of oxidized actinides, Np(VI), Pu(VI), and Am(VI), from co-crystallized uranyl nitrate hexahydrate: a single technology approach to used nuclear fuel recycling” Einkauf, J. D. and Burns, J. D.; Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59 (10), 4756-4761.

“Interactions of the Bismuthate Anion with Alkali, Alkaline Earth, Lanthanide, and Actinide Metals in Nitric Acid Systems” Einkauf, J. D. and Burns, J. D.; ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2020, 3 (2), 1593-1601.

“Solid state characterization of oxidized actinides encapsulated in co-crystallized uranyl nitrate hexahydrate” Einkauf, J. D. and Burns, J. D.; Dalton Trans. 2020, 49 (3), 608-612.

“Effects of annealing on fission fragment release from electrodeposited Cf-252 thin-films” Myhre, K. G.; Burns, J. D.; Sims, N. J.; Stracener, D. W.; and Boll, R. A.; Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A. 2020, 955, 163282.
“Measuring Key Sm Isotope Ratios in Irradiated Fuels for use in Plutonium Discrimination Nuclear Forensics” Glennon, K. J.; Osborn, J. M.; Burns J. D.; Kitcher, E. D.; Chirayath, S. S.; and Folden III, C. M.; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 2019, 320 (2), 405-414.
“Experimental Validation of a Nuclear Forensics Methodology for Reactor-Type Attribution of Chemically Separated Plutonium” Osborn, J. M.; Glennon, K. J.; Kitcher, E. D.; Burns J. D.; Folden III, C. M.; and Chirayath, S. S.; Nucl. Eng. Technol. 2019, 51 (2), 384-393.
“Kinetics of ion exchange of Zr/Sn(IV) phosphonate-phosphate hybrid materials for separation of lanthanides from oxidized actinides” Burns, J. D. and Clearfield, A.; Solvent Extr. Ion Exch. 2018, 36 (7), 674-686.
“Solubility and complexation of the bismuthate ion in nitric acid systems.” Einkauf, J. D.; Wilcox, A. J., and Burns, J. D.; Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57 (24), 15341-15349.

“Computational and Experimental Forensics Characterization of Weapons-grade Plutonium Produced in a Thermal Neutron Environment.” Osborn, J. M.; Glennon, K. J.; Kitcher, E. D.; Burns J. D.; Folden III, C. M.; and Chirayath, S. S.; Nucl. Eng. Technol. 2018, 50 (6), 820-828.
“Criticality concerns of a group actinide co-crystallization separations approach to used nuclear fuel recycling” Kitcher, E. D. and Burns, J. D.; Ann. Nucl. Energy 2018, 115, 387-392.
“Nuclear Forensics Methodology Development for Reactor-Type Attribution of Chemically Separated Plutonium” Osborn, J. M.; Kitcher, E. D.; Burns J. D.; Folden III, C. M.; and Chirayath, S. S.; Nucl. Technol. 2018, 200 (1), 1-10.
“Uranyl nitrate hexahydrate solubility in nitric acid and its crystallization selectivity in the presence of nitrate salts” Burns, J. D. and Moyer, B. A.; J. Clean. Prod. 2018, 172, 867-871.

“Sensitivity Studies and Experimental Evaluation for Optimizing Transcurium Isotope Production” Hogle, S.; Alexander, C. W.; Burns, J. D.; Ezold, J. G. Maldonado, G. I.; Nucl. Sci. Eng. 2017, 185 (3), 473-483.
“Group hexavalent actinide separations: A new approach to used nuclear fuel recycling” Burns, J. D. and Moyer, B. A.; Inorg. Chem. 2016, 55 (17), 8913-8919.

“Samarium electrodeposited acetate and oxide thin films on stainless steel substrate characterized by XPS” Myhre, K. G.; Burns, J. D.; Meyer III, H. M.; Sims, N. J.; Stracener, D. W.; and Boll, R. A.; Surf. Sci. Spectra. 2016, 23 (1), 70-81.
“Effects of temperature on morphology and thickness of samarium electrodeposited thin films” Burns, J. D.; Myhre, K. G.; Sims, N. J.; Stracener, D. W.; and Boll, R. A.; Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, 2016, 830, 95-101.
“Californium Recovery from Palladium Wire.” Burns, J. D. and Boll R. A.; Sep. Sci. Technol. 2015, 50 (18), 2819-2822.
“Actinide targets for the synthesis of super-heavy elements” Roberto, J. B.; Alexander, C. W.; Boll, R. A.; Burns, J. D.; Ezold, J. G.; Felker, L. K.; Hogle, S. L.; and Rykaczewski, K. P.; Nucl. Phys. A, 2015, 944, 99-116.
“Californium Electrodepositions at Oak Ridge National Laboratory” R. Boll, S. Van Cleve, N. Sims, L. K. Felker, J. Burns, G. Owen, E. Smith, C. S. White, J. Ezold; J. Radioanal. Nucl. CH. 2015, 305 (3), 921-926.
“Californium Purification and Electrodeposition” Burns, J. D.; Van Cleve, S. M.; Smith, E. H.; and Boll R. A.; J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 2015, 305 (1), 109-116.
“Separation of oxidized americium from lanthanides by use of pillared metal(IV) phosphate-phosphonate hybrid materials.” Burns, J. D.; Borkowski, M.; Clearfield, A.; and Reed, D. T.; Radiochim. Acta, 2012, 100 (12), 901-906.
“Separation of americium from curium by oxidation and ion exchange.” Burns, J. D.; Clearfield, A.; Shehee, T. C.; and Hobbs, D. T. Anal. Chem., 2012, 84 (16), 6930-6932.

“Pillared metal(IV) phosphate-phosphonate extraction of actinides.” Burns, J. D.; Clearfield, A.; Borkowski, M.; and Reed, D. T.; Radiochim. Acta, 2012, 100 (6), 381-387.
“Rate of exchange of Cs+ and Sr2+ for poorly crystalline sodium titanium silicate (CST) in nuclear waste systems.” Clearfield, A.; Medvedev, D. G.; Kerlegon, S.; Bosser, T.; Burns, J. D.; Jackson, M.; Solvent Extr. Ion Exc., 2012, 30 (3), 229-243.