Our ARPA-E CURIE Proposal was Selected!

In collaboration with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, our project, Group Hexavalent Actinide Separation: A Single-Step, Proliferation-Resistant Approach to Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing, has been selected for funding by the ARPA-E CURIE program. This project aims to develop a single-step technology to recycle used nuclear fuel (UNF) that can recover the bulk of uranium (U) and transuranics (TRU) as the first step after dissolution in nitric acid. We will work toward the recycling of UNF through the co-crystallization of oxidized TRU with uranyl nitrate hexahydrate. This single-step, group actinide separation will (1) significantly reduce the volume of light-water reactor high-level radioactive waste that requires permanent disposal, (2) provide an appropriate fuel feedstock by combining U/TRU in a single product stream, (3) reduce fission product content in the product stream to <0.1%, and (4) provide compatibility with online monitoring technologies.

Received First Shipment of At-211!

The Burns Research Group received its first shipment of ~0.6 mCi of At-211 on October 12, 2022! A huge THANK YOU to our collaborators at The Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute who successfully loaded, packaged, and shipped us a 3-octanone extraction chromatography cartridge with 8.5 mCi of At-211! 

Congratulation to Michael Jones!

Congratulation to Michael Jones who participated in the HIPPO: Horizon‐broadening Isotope Production Pipeline Opportunities collaboration end of summer week-long visit to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The visit spanned the week of July 25, 2022 and included networking session, guest lectures from prominent US Department of Energy scientist, tours of unique facilities housed at LANL, and culminated in a poster session showcasing the student’s summer research. Great work Michael!

Congratulation to Maddison Gibson!

Congratulation to Maddison Gibson who participated in the UAB Regional Initiative to Promote Undergraduate Participation in Experimental and Computational Materials Research program, which is supported by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. The program culminated Ms. Gibson presenting her work in both an oral session for the UAB REU program and a poster session at the UAB Summer 2022 Research Expo. Great work Maddison!