New Summer REU Student!

The Burns Research Lab welcomes Ms. Chandni Bhat as a summer researcher. Chandni is a participant in the UAB Regional Initiative to Promote Undergraduate Participation in Experimental and Computational Materials Research program, which is supported by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program.

Ms. Bhat is a rising junior at the University of Alabama, working towards a degree in Chemistry. The UAB REU program runs for 10 weeks from the last week in May till the end of July and supports 14 undergraduates from around the country to come to UAB and conduct cutting-edge research across many different disciplines.

Received Third Shipment of At-211!

The Burns Research Group received its third shipment of ~1.8 mCi of At-211 on March 28, 2023! A huge thank you to our collaborators at The Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute who successfully loaded, packaged, and shipped us a 3-octanone extraction chromatography cartridge with 23 mCi of At-211! 

Received Second Shipment of At-211!

The Burns Research Group received its second shipment of ~1.7 mCi of At-211 on December 15, 2022! A huge thank you to our collaborators at The Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute who successfully loaded, packaged, and shipped us a 3-octanone extraction chromatography cartridge with 26 mCi of At-211!