Faculty Publications
Selected Lab Publications
Mollicute Diagnostics and Clinical Disease Associations

Waites, K.B., L.B. Duffy, et al. Methods for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing for Human Mycoplasmas; Approved Guideline (CLSI Document M43-A). Clinical & Laboratory Standards Institute. 2011.
Waites, K. B., and C.M. Bébéar. Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma. Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 13th Edition, ASM Press. 2023.
Waites, K.B., M. B. Brown, J.W. Simecka. Immunologic Detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Manual of Molecular and Clinical Laboratory Immunology, 9th Edition, ASM Press. 2024.
Bébéar, C.M., K.B. Waites. Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma. Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook, 5th Edition, ASM Press. 2023.
Waites, K.B., N. Ambalavanan, R. Viscardi. Mycoplasma infections. Remington and Klein’s, Infections of the Fetus and Newborn, 9th Edition, W.B. Saunders Co. 2024.
Baseman, J.B., K.B. Waites. Mycoplasma: Curiosity and pathogen. Schaecter’s Mechanisms of Microbial Disease, 6th Edition, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. 2022.
Leal, S.M., Jr., K.B. Waites. Mycoplasma. In: Schlossberg’s Clinical Infectious Disease, 3rd ed., Cambridge University Press. 2022.
Waites, K.B., N. Ambalavanan. Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma Infections. Up To Date, Wolters Kluwer Health. 2024.
Waites, K.B., L. Xiao, et al. Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma. Molecular Typing in Bacterial Infections, 2nd Edition, Humana Press. 2022.
Waites, K.B., L. Xiao, K. Dybvig. Mycoplasmas and Ureaplasmas. Molecular Medical Microbiology, 3rd Edition, Elsevier. 2023.
Waites, K.B., T. Prescott Atkinson. Mycoplasma pneumoniae. EMedicine 2024 https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/223609-overview?_gl=1*ngcrmt*_gcl_au*MTIwODg3Mzg5My4xNzMwMzk3MjEw
Waites, K.B. Ureaplasma and genital mycoplasmas. EMedicine 2022 https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/231470-overview?_gl=1*ijym6h*_gcl_au*MTIwODg3Mzg5My4xNzMwMzk3MjEw.
Reviews and Selected Publications Since 2017
Fernandez, R., Chi, M., Ison, M.G., Waites, K.B. et al. Sequelae of donor-derived mollicute transmission in lung recipients. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 195:678-689, 2017.
Zhang,J., Song, X., Ma J.M., Xiao, L., Kenri, T.,Li, S., Sun, H., Ptacek, T., Waites, K., Atkinson, T.P.,et al. Tandem repeat copy-number variation in Mycoplasma pneumoniae based on next-generation sequencing data. Future Microbiology 12:119-129, 2017.
Totten, A.H., Xiao, L., Crabb, D.M., Ratliff, A., Dybvig, K., Waites, K.B., Atkinson, T.P. Shaken or Stirred? : Comparison of methods for dispersion of Mycoplasma pneumoniae aggregates for persistence in vivo. Journal of Microbiological Methods 132:56-62, 2017.
Waites, K.B. Crabb, D.M., Duffy, L.B., et al. In Vitro activity of lefamulin and other antimicrobial agents against macrolide-susceptible and macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae from the United States, Europe, and China. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 61:e302008-16, 2017.
Fernandez, R., Crabb, D.M., Waites, K.B., Bharat, A. Ureaplasma transmitted from donor lungs is pathogenic following lung transplantation. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 103:670-671, 2017.
Lal, C.V., Kandasamy, J., Atkinson, T.P., Faye-Petersen, O.M., Waites, K.B., et al. Ureaplasma infection releases matrix metalloproteinase-9 and proline-glycine-proline – a novel mechanism of preterm rupture of membranes and chorioamnionitis. Pediatric Research 81:75-79, 2017.
Grossman, T.H., Fyfe, C., O’Brien, W., Hackel, M., Minyard, M.B., Waites, K.B., et al. The fluorocycline TP-271 is potent against major complicated community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (CABP) pathogens. mSphere. 2:1-11, 2017
Waites, K.B., Xiao, L., Liu, Y., Balish, M.F., Atkinson, T.P. Mycoplasma pneumoniae from the respiratory tract and beyond. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 30:747-809, 2017.
Kelleher, M., Liu, Z., Wang, X., Kroenke, C., Houser, L. Dozier, B., Martin, L.D., Waites, K.B., et al. Beyond the uterine environment: Nonhuman primate model to investigate maternal-fetal and neonatal outcomes following chronic intrauterine infection. Pediatric Research 82:244-252, 2017.
Novosad, S., Basavaraju, S.V., Mohr, P., Annambhotla, A., Mohr, P., Halpin, A., Foy, L., Chmielewski, R., Winchell, J.M., Crabb, D., Ratliff, A., Waites, K.B. Kuehnert, M.J. Mycoplasma hominis infections transmitted through an amniotic tissue product. Clinical Infectious Diseases 65:1152-1158, 2017.
Bradshaw, C., Jensen, J.S., Waites, K.B. New horizons in Mycoplasma genitalium treatment. Journal of Infectious Diseases 216(Suppl): S412-419, 2017.
Waites, K.B. Crabb, D.M., Xiao, L., Duffy, L.B. In vitro Activities of gepotidacin (GSK2140944) and other antimicrobial agents against human mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 61:e1064-17, 2017.
Dionne-Odom, Geisler, W.M., Aaron, K.J., Waites, K.B. et al. High prevalence of multidrug-resistant Mycoplasma genitalium in HIV-infected men who have sex with men in Alabama. Clinical Infectious Diseases 66:796-798, 2018.
Xiao, L., Waites, K.B. Wang, H., Van Der Pol, B., Ratliff, A.E., Geisler, W.M. Evaluation of a real-time PCR assay for detection of Mycoplasma genitalium and macrolide resistance-mediating mutations from clinical specimens. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 91:123-25, 2018.
Xue, G., Crabb, D.M., Xiao, L., Liu, Y., Waites, K.B. In vitro activities of the benzoquinolizine fluoroquinolone levonadifloxacin (WCK 771) and other antimicrobial agents against human mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas including isolates with defined resistance mechanisms. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. 62: e01348-18, 2018.
Subramaniam, A., Waites, K.B. Jauk, V., Biggio, J., Sutton, A., Szychowski, J.M., Andrews, W.W., Tita, A.T. Azithromycin-based extended spectrum antibiotic prophylaxis for cesarean: role of placental colonization with genital ureaplasmas. American Journal of Perinatology, 36:1002-1008, 2018.
Xiao, L., Waites, K.B., Van Der Pol, B., Aaron, K.J., Hook, E.W., Geisler, W.M. Macrolide- and fluoroquinolone-resistant Mycoplasma genitalium infections in heterosexual African American couples in Alabama. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 46:18-24, 2019.
Glaser, A., Geisler, W.M., Ratliff, A.E., Xiao, L., Waites, K.B., Gaisa, M. Two cases of multidrug-resistant genitourinary Mycoplasma genitalium infection successfully eradicated with minocycline. International Journal of STD and AIDS 30:512-514, 2019.
Totten, A., LEal, S.M., Jr., Ratliff, A., Xiao, L., Crabb, C., Waites, K.B. Evaluation of ELITe InGenius® PCR for Detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 57:e00287-19, 2019.
Harrison, S.A., Olson, K.M., Ratliff, A.E., Xiao, L., Van Der Pol, B., Waites, K.B. Geisler, W.M. Mycoplasma genitalium co-infection in women with Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 46:e101-e104, 2019.
Waites, K.B., Ratliff, A.E., Crabb, D.M., Xiao, L., Qin, X., Selvarangan, R., Tang, Y-W., Zheng, X., Dien Bard, J., Hong, T., Prichard, M., Brooks, E., Dallas, S., Duffy, L., Mixon, E., Fowler, K.B., Atkinson, T.P. Macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the United States as determined from a national surveillance program. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 57:e00968-19, 2019.
Alishlash, A.S., Atkinson, T.P., Schlappi, C., Leal, S.M., Jr., Waites, K.B., Xiao. L. Mycoplasma pneumoniae carriage with de novo macrolide-resistance and breakthrough pneumonia. Pediatrics 144: e20191642, 2019.
Van der Pol, B., Waites, K.B., Xiao, L., Taylor, S. , Rao, A. , Nye, M. , Chavoustie, S., Ermel, A.E., Kaplan, C., Eisenberg, D.L., Chan, P.A., Mena, L.A., Pachecho, S., Krishnamurthy, S., Mohan, R., Bertuzis, R., McGowin, C.L., Arcenas, R., Marlowe, E. Mycoplasma genitalium detection in urogenital specimens from symptomatic and asymptomatic men and women using the cobas TV/MG test. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 58:02124-19, 2020.
Leal, S.M., Jr. Totten, A.H., Xiao, L., Crabb, D.M., Ratliff, A., Duffy, L.B., Fowler, K.B., Mixon, E., Winchell, J., Diaz, M., Benitez, A., Wolff, B., Qin, Y., Tang, Y-W., Gonzalez, M., Selvarangan, R., Hong, T., Brooks, E., Dallas, S., Atkinson, T.P., Zheng, X., Dien Bard, J., Waites, K.B. Evaluation of Commercial molecular diagnostic methods for the detection and determination of macrolide resistance in Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 58: e00242-20, 2020.
Viscardi, R.M., Terrin, M.L., Madger, L.S., Davis, N.L., Dulkerian, S.J., Waites, K.B., et al. A randomized trial of azithromycin to eradicate Ureaplasma in preterm infants. Archives of Diseases of Childhood Fetal Neonatal Edition 105:615-22, 2020.
Eschenauer, G.A., Xiao, L., Waites, K.B., et al. Macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in transplantation: increasingly typical? Transplant Infectious Diseases, 9:e13318, 2020.
Higgins, A.B., Farmakiotis, D., Rogers, R., Osband, A.J., Seo, A., Chen, B., Birkenbacj, M.P., Crabb, D.M., Xiao, L., Leal, S.M., Jr., Waites, K.B., et al. First case of hyperammonemia syndrome in a kidney transplant recipient caused by fluoroquinolone-resistant Ureaplasma infection. Transplant Infectious Diseases, 9e:13328, 2020.
Waites, K.B., Crabb, D.M., Xiao, L., Duffy, L.B., Leal, S.M., Jr. In vitro activities of eravacycline and other antimicrobial agents against human mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas. Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy 64:e00698-20, 2020.
Xiao, L., Ratliff, A.E., Crabb, D.M., Mixon, E., Qin, X., Selvarangan, R., Tang, Y-W., Zheng, X., Dien Bard, J., Hong, T., Prichard, M., Brooks, E., Dallas, S., Duffy, L.B., Fowler, K.B., Atkinson, T.P. Waites, K.B. Molecular Characterization of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the United States from 2012-2018. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 58:e00710-20, 2020.
Gragg, S.D., Gupta, K., Olson, K.M., Ratliff, A.E., Xiao, L., Waites, K.B., Van Der Pol, B., Geisler, W. M. Mycoplasma genitalium infection prevalence in women without urogenital symptoms presenting to a community-based emergency department in Birmingham, Alabama. Sex Transm Dis 48:e27-29, 2021.
Totten, A.H., Xiao, L., Crabb, D.M., Ratliff, A.E., Waites, K.B., Hwangpo, T., Atkinson, T.P. Septic Polyarthritis with Mycoplasma salivarium in a patient with common variable immunodeficiency: Case report and review of the literature. Access Microbiol 9;3:000221, 2021.
Paukner, S., Goldberg, L., Alexander, E., Das, A., Heinrich, S., Patel, P., Moran, G., Sandrock, C., File, T.J, Jr., Vidal, J.,Waites, K.B., Gelone, S., Schranz, J. Pooled microbiological findings and efficacy outcomes by pathogen in adults with community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (LEAP) 1 and LEAP phase 3 trials of lefamulin versus moxifloxacin. J Glob Antimicrob Res 14:S2213-7165, 2021.
Paukner, S., Mariano, D., Das, A.F., Moran, G.I., Sandrock, C., Waites, K.B., File, T.M., Jr. Lefamulin in patients with community-acquired bacterial pneumonia caused by atypical respiratory pathogens: pooled results from two phase 3 trials. Antibiotics (Basel) 4;10:1489, 2021.
Xiao, L., Totten, A.H., Crabb, D.M., Atkinson., T.P., Waites, K.B., Antimicrobial susceptibilities and mechanisms of resistance of commensal and invasive Mycoplasma salivarium isolates. Front Microbiol 13:914464, 2022.
Viscardi, R.M., Terrin, M.L., Magder, L.S., Davis, N.L., Dulkerian, S.J., Waites, K.B., et al. Randomized trial of azithromycin to eradicate Ureaplasma respiratory colonization in preterm infants 2-year outcomes. Pediatr Res 91:178-187, 2022.
Paukner, S.A., Moran, G.J., Sandrock, C., Fiule, T.M., Jr., Vidal, J., Waites, K.B., Gelone, S., Yu, C. Plain language summary of how lefamulin alone can be used to treat pneumonia caught outside of the hospital due to common bacterial causes, including drug-resistant bacteria. Future Microbiol 17:397-410, 2022.
Waites, K.B., Crabb, D.M., Atkinson, T.P., Geisler, W.M., Xiao, L. Omadacycline is highly active in vitro against Mycoplasma genitalium. Microbiol Sphere 10:e0365422, 2022.
Waites, K.B., Crabb, D.M., Ratliff, A.E., Geisler, W.M., Atkinson, T.P., Xiao, L. Latest advances in laboratory detection of Mycoplasma genitalium. J Clin Microbiol e0079021, 2023.
Tam, P.C.K., Alexander, B.D., Lee. M.J., Hardie, R.C., Reyholds, J.M., Haney, J.C., Waites, K.B., Perfect, J.R., Baker, A.W. Donor-Derived Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma Infections in Lung Transplant Recipients: A Prospective Study of Donor and Recipient Respiratory Tract Screening and Recipient Outcomes. American Journal of Transplantation 2024.07.013, 2024.