Variant Submission

What happens following variant submission:

1. The application is submitted

The Pre-Clinical Section of CPAM is notified and the nominator is contacted to confirm we have received the application.

2. Consenting

If the application requires the collection of protected health information (PHI), we will share our contact information with the nominator and schedule a consenting appointment with the individual or legal guardians of the individual whose health records we will collect as part of our intake process. This information will be secured on a HIPAA-compliant server.

3. Case Evaluation

The Pre-Clinical and Bioinformatics sections of CPAM evaluate the case and prepare a presentation. The Pre-Clinical team will generate a deidentified summary of the clinical data and will pass this to the bioinformatics team to provide further information about the potential molecular impact of the variant.

4. CPAM Application Review Committee

Once the work-up is completed, the case is ready for final review by the CPAM Application Review Committee, who will determine whether the case is a fit for CPAM and what models will be generated.