Nanotechnology in Biosensors and Bioengineering

Nanotechnology in Biosensors and Bioengineering

NIBIBNational Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) has awarded an interdisciplinary predoctoral training grant to UAB that is entitled “Nanotechnology in Biosensors and Bioengineering”. It is five year program that started on September 1, 2007. Principal investigator for this training grant is CNMB Director Yogesh Vohra.

From CNMB archives

Nanostructured Bioactive Polymer Fibers

Nanostructured Bioactive Polymer Fibers

nsf_logo2National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a three year grant to CNMB faculty that is entitled “”. The Principal Investigator for this grant is Dr. Derrick Dean and Co-PI is Dr. Yogesh Vohra. This new program in polymeric biomaterials started on September 1, 2007.

From CNMB archives