Read UAB News article titled “Stealth pig cells may hold key to treating diabetes in humans,” featuring CNMB member, Dr. Eugenia Kharlempieva.
2016 REU Expo Winners
2016 REU Expo Winners

Congratulations are in order for two of our Research Experiences for Undergraduate participants. Both of them placed 2nd in the Expo’s poster session on Thursday, July 21, 2016.
REU Julian Dover placed 2nd in the Engineering category. He won for his research titled Alternative Replacement for Birmingham, Alabama Concrete Storm Drain Covers. His mentors were Dr. Selvum Pillay and Mr. Benjamin Willis (Material Sciences and Engineering). Julian is a Junior at Chicago State University.
REU Jacob Norman placed 2nd in the Physical Sciences category. He won for his
research titled Theranostic Polymer Agents for Ultrasound Therapy and Controlled Drug Release. His mentor for the summer was Dr. Eugenia Kharlampieva (Chemistry). Jacob is a sophomore bioengineering student at the University of California Berkeley.
Both participants were supported by National Science Foundation (Grant Number DMR # DMR 1460392) – Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) award to UAB
Congratulations Julian and Jacob and all of the other Expo w. Great job.
You can see more pictures from the Expo here.
Application Deadline for REU Ended April 1, 2016
Deadline for REU Applications Ended April 1, 2016
We are pleased with the tremendous response to our call for applications to our Research Experience for Undergraduates program for summer 2016 here at UAB. Given the hundreds of applications that we received, the competition was quite impressive. The names of our 2016 REU participants will be posted as soon as all offers have been made and accepted.
We thank every applicant for their interest in our program and we hope that all eligible applicants will apply again next year. In the meantime, for those well deserving applicants that applied and were not selected, we are hopeful that many of them were selected to other programs.
Updated: April 7, 2016 – Meet our 2016 REU Participants
Congrats to Physics Graduate Student Sonal Singh
Congrats to Physics Graduate Student Sonal Singh
Congratulations to Sonal Singh and co-authors for their recently accepted manuscript. The paper entitled ”Spatially Controlled Fabrication of Brightly Fluorescent Nanodiamond-Array with Enhanced Far-Red Si-V Luminescence” (by Sonal Singh, Vinoy Thomas, Dmitri Martyshkin, Veronika Kozlovskaya, Eugenia Kharlampieva, and Shane Catledge) will appear in the JournalNanotechnology. The paper will be available online to readers at This work demonstrates a novel approach to precisely pattern fluorescent nanodiamond-arrays with enhanced far-red intense photostable luminescence from silicon-vacancy (Si-V) defect centers.The precision-patterned pre-growth seeding of nanodiamonds is achieved by a scanning probe “Dip-Pen” nanolithography technique using electrostatically-driven transfer of nanodiamonds from “inked” cantilevers. The enhanced emission from nanodiamond-dots in the far-red is achieved by incorporating Si-V defect centers in subsequent chemical vapor deposition treatment. The authors anticipate that the far-red intense photostable luminescence (~738 nm) observed from Si-V defect centers integrated in spatially arranged nanodiamonds could be beneficial for the development of the next generation fluorescent based devices and applications.
2015 NanoBio Summit 1st Place Winner
Szu Chun Chen Takes 1st Place
Congratulations to 2015 REU Szu Chun Chen for her 1st Place Win in the Undergraduate Poster Category at the 2015 NanoBio Summit at UAB. Szu’s presented a poster titled: Poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) base d Multil ayers for Drug Delivery with Temperature-gated Permeability.