The Research Experiences for Undergraduates at UAB ended on July 21, 2017, but not without capturing remnants of a successful 10 weeks working along side of UAB faculty mentors and grad student mentors. Take a look at these photos of the REUs in the labs with theri mentors.
Aissah Kaba and Sherilynn Knight with Faculty Mentor Dr. Alan Eberhardt
Ashley Smith with Postdoc Mentor Dr. Paul Baker
Brandon Scoggins (r) with Faculty MentorCheng-Chien Chen
Christian Marshall (l) with Postdoc Mentor Dr. Mohamed Selim and Engineer Ben Willis
Daniel Craven with Faculty Mentor Dr. Vinoy Thomas
Erasmo Canongo_Larios (c) with Faculty Mentor Dr. David Hilton (l) and Postdoc Mentor Biplob Barman
Morgan Matthews with Faculty Mentor Kannatassen Appavoo
Nicolas Merino with Faculty Mentor Dr. Eugenia Kharlampieva
Paige Jackson with Faculty Mentor Dr. Aaron Catledge (l) and Student Mentor Justin Bartlett
Paul de Montaudouin with Faculty Mentor LuFang Zhou (r) and Grad Student Mentor Patrick Ernst
Sabrina Siu with Faculty Mentor Dr. Renato Camato
Tyler Whitaker (l) and Cameron Hale (r) with Faculty Mentor Dr. Robert Mohr (c)
(l-r) Sabrina Siu, Nicolas Merino, Sherilynn Knight
Congratulations to Nicolas Merino, Sabrina Siu and Sherilynn Knight. Nicolas, Sabrina and Sherilynn, three of our REU participants won 1st and 2nd place winners in Engineering and Physical and Applied Sciences at this year’s 2017 Summer Expo. Their 10-week research experience at UAB was sponsored by National Science Foundation (Grant Number DMR # DMR 1460392) – Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) award to UAB
First place winner in Physical and Applied Sciences, Nicolas Merino’s presented a poster titled “Theranostic Systems of Polymers and Tannic acid for Ultrasound Therapy Drug Release.” Nicolas is a Junior at Georgia College & State University. He spent 10 weeks working in Dr. Eugenia Kharlampieva’s lab in the Chemistry Department along with her graduate student Aaron Alford. As always, special thanks to Dr. Kharlampieva and Aaron for their commitment to the REU program.
Second place winner in Physical and Applied Sciences, Sabrina Siu presented a poster titled “Solid-state Reaction Synthesis of Gd:BaZrO3 for the Production of Pulse Laser Deposited Thin Films for Fuel Cell Applications.” Sabrina is a senior at University of Florida (Gainesville). This year she was mentored by Dr. Renato Camata’s (Physics) lab along with his graduate student Eric Remingtong. Dr. Camata has had a long standing commitment of mentoring participants in our REU program and we certainly thank and appreciate his dedication.
REU participant Sherilynn Knight won 2nd place in Engineering category for her poster titled “Retrieval Analyses of Wear and Debris in Oxidized Zirconium Total Knee Arthroplasty.” Sherilynn is a Sophmore at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. She worked in Dr. Alan Eberhardt’s (Biomedical Engineering) lab this summer along with graduate student Thomas Ballard. Dr. Eberhardt is among the ranks of our longstanding REU mentors and as with all of our mentors, we value his continued support.
The Physics NSF REU program has been in continually in existence since 1997 and that’s an accomplishment that Program Director, Dr. Yogesh K. Vohra is quite proud. Again, congrats to our winners and much success to all of our 2017 participants.
The Department of Biomedical Engineering has written a wonderful article highlighting the Department’s research activity during the summer for which Aissah Kaba and Sherilynn Knight play very active roles.
2016 Physics Expo Winners Julian Dover and Jacob Norman
Congratulations are in order for two of our Research Experiences for Undergraduate participants. Both of them placed 2nd in the Expo’s poster session on Thursday, July 21, 2016.
REU Julian Dover placed 2nd in the Engineering category. He won for his research titled Alternative Replacement for Birmingham, Alabama Concrete Storm Drain Covers. His mentors were Dr. Selvum Pillay and Mr. Benjamin Willis (Material Sciences and Engineering). Julian is a Junior at Chicago State University.
REU Jacob Norman placed 2nd in the Physical Sciences category. He won for his
research titled Theranostic Polymer Agents for Ultrasound Therapy and Controlled Drug Release. His mentor for the summer was Dr. Eugenia Kharlampieva (Chemistry). Jacob is a sophomore bioengineering student at the University of California Berkeley.
Both participants were supported by National Science Foundation (Grant Number DMR # DMR 1460392) – Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) award to UAB
Congratulations Julian and Jacob and all of the other Expo w. Great job.
We are pleased with the tremendous response to our call for applications to our Research Experience for Undergraduates program for summer 2016 here at UAB. Given the hundreds of applications that we received, the competition was quite impressive. The names of our 2016 REU participants will be posted as soon as all offers have been made and accepted.
We thank every applicant for their interest in our program and we hope that all eligible applicants will apply again next year. In the meantime, for those well deserving applicants that applied and were not selected, we are hopeful that many of them were selected to other programs.
Congratulations to 2015 REU Szu Chun Chen for her 1st Place Win in the Undergraduate Poster Category at the 2015 NanoBio Summit at UAB. Szu’s presented a poster titled: Poly(N-vinylcaprolactam) base d Multil ayers for Drug Delivery with Temperature-gated Permeability.
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