2022 Summer Expo Winners

Join us in congratulating our 2022 Research Experiences for Undergraduates Summer Expo winners.

Hugh Graham

2nd Place – Engineering
Hugh is a student at the University of the South

Aniket Pant

1st Place – Physical and Applied Sciences
Aniket attends Georgia Tech

Carolina Amezaga

2nd Place – Physical and Applied Science
Carolina is a student at Auburn University

Claurissa Desilma

Claurissa Desilma

3rd Place – Works in Progress
Claurissa attends Florida Memorial University

REU Alumni Update: Aaditya Rau

Congratulations to 2019 REU, Aaditya Rau who graduated Spring 2022 from Johns Hopkins University. Aaditya graduated with a double major in the fields of Engineering Mechanics and Applied Mathematics & Statistics and a minor in Mathematics. He will be attending graduate school at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA under the Computational Science and Engineering program with a home department in Aeronautics/Astronautics.

In addition, since his time here at UAB, he received the Goldwater Scholarship in 2021, and just received the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP) to fund my graduate study.

Congratulations to Aaditya and we wish him the very best.

REU Alumni Update Reshu Chandra

Reshu Chandra participated in our 2021 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. She graduated from UAB on Saturday, April 30, 2022 with a major in Neuroscience and minors in Chemistry and Philosophy, Summa Cum Laude with High Distinguished Honors from the Science & Technology Honors Program. This upcoming year, she will be serve as a research intern with the UAB Center for Exercise Medicine while applying to medical schools. Reshu recently received the “Excellence in Service” Award and the “Exceptional Service & Leadership” Award through UAB as well as induction into the Order of Omega Honor Society, which recognizes the top 3% of the Greek community on campus.

Congratulations to Reshu and we wish her much success.

2015 REU Moriah Smoot

2015 REU Moriah Smoot, Esq always keeps us updated on her career path. She recently contacted us and provided us with an updated bio (below).

Moriah holds a Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering, a Juris Doctorate from the University of Alabama, and is a licensed attorney in the State of Alabama. In October 2021, Moriah passed the Patent Registration Exam and will soon begin work at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) as a Patent Examiner. She is a registered mediator currently conducting Pro Bono mediations for the 10th Judicial Circuit Court of Alabama serving Jefferson Count.

She is the former Research Technology Analyst at The University of Alabama Office for Innovation and Commercialization. Her areas of interest include metals, medical devices, and regulatory affairs. She has an appreciation for the growing impact of technology on global health and how it can be used to improve the daily lives of individuals.

We wish Moriah much success in her new position and throughout her career journey.

Now Recruiting for 2022 REU

NSF Division of Materials Research (DMR) supported Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site at the University of Alabama at Birmingham is inviting applications for the Summer 2022. REU-projects may include, but not be limited to, in five research clusters:   (1) computational materials research/machine learning (2) materials under extreme conditions (3) materials for energy applications, (4) materials for sensors and laser applications, and (5) biomaterials for implants, tissue engineering and drug delivery applications. This REU experience will be offered as an in person research model as well as a hybrid model which will include fully remote participation for computational research projects and partly remote and partly on ground lab experiences for experimental research projects (depending on the research project).

The undergraduates will carry out the analysis of data generated in their research projects and make presentations on completed research to faculty mentors and other undergraduates participating in this program. All participants are required to participate a campus-wide expo at the end of the program.

The program will offer 10-weeks flexible summer program during May 22, 2022 – July 29, 2022. The program will pay $6,000 over the entire 10-week period involving 400 hours of research with a faculty mentor at UAB (based on a 40 hour work week).

For program information contact Program Director Yogesh Vohra (ykvohra@uab.edu) and for application questions contact Program Coordinator Charita Cadenhead (charita@uab.edu).

The application deadline is April 1, 2022.  Learn more at https://sites.uab.edu/cnmb/research-experiences-for-undergraduates/   and apply here:  https://sites.uab.edu/cnmb/research-experiences-for-undergraduates/application-process/