ISWC Group Tour

ISWC Visits UAB to Tour Dr. Yogesh Vohra Labs

On Saturday, June 22, 2024, we had the pleasure of hosting the International Space Weather Camp (ISWC) group consisting of students from the University of Alabama at Huntsville (UAH) as well as international students from South Africa and Germany along with six advisors. Dr. Keyvan Ghanbari, ISWC Camp Director and Laura Provenzani, NSF EPSCoR – FTPP Education, Outreach and Diversity Coordinator served as the organizers of the tour as part of the NSF EPSCoR Future Technologies Enabling Plasma Process (FTPP). Their first stop was a visit to the MakerSpace/3D printer lab. Dr. Vohra gave a  presentation on CVD Diamond Research. Afterwards the group of 30 were divided into 2 groups and were given tours of the CVD Diamond Growth Facility led by Dr. Paul Baker and the Materials Characterization lab (XRD on Diamond Coating on Silicone) led by Dr. Kallol Chakrabarty.  The entire visit took place in the new Science and Engineering Complex (SEC), South Science Hall (Hall). Since Graduate Assistant Greeshma Jose was working in Dr. Wenli Bi’s lab that day, she graciously accepted a Dr. Vohra’s request to give a guided tour of Dr. Bi’s lab. The group was engaging throughout their visit and generated great questions for the tour guides. According to Laura Provenzani, who organized the tour, the group was staying in Birmingham an extra day to take a break from their travel schedule and take the opportunity to explore the Magic City.  We’re so glad that they chose to include us.     
ISWC Visit
ISWC Visit
ISWC Visit
ISWC Visit