RET Keshia Williams Gets Creative With Fund Raising

2014 RET Keshia Williams went through the website to design a project for her AP Biology classroom. is a US based 501 nonprofit organization that allows individuals to donate directly to public school classroom projects. The website was designed by teacher, Charles Best. Williams says that given that technology is so influential in the field of science and while preparing her students for college and science related careers, she decided to design a project titled “Flipping Science with Technology.” This school term, she is implementing the “flipped classroom” with her Advanced Placement Biology class, which means that she inverts traditional teaching methods, delivering some of the instruction online outside the classroom and moving homework into the classroom.
She uses web 2.0 tools in class to aid in meeting the needs of diverse learning styles. Therefore, the use of tablets requested through her project will allow her to truly differentiate instruction among her students. After designing the project (i.e. purpose, goals, and its relation to discipline) it had to go through review from the website. After being approved, she solicited for donations via email to family, friends, community, leaders, etc. Within the first seven days, if the persons donating includes the special “spark” code in their donation, the funds are matched up to $100.
Ms. Williams project was funded within 3 days via the website. Congratulations to Ms. Williams
More News about Ms. Williams: APTV Capitol Journal interviews 2014 RET Keshia Williams