Addressing Religious Discrimination
About this Framework
Closing the Divide: Building Trust by Addressing Bias in Medicine provides a framework for how to respond internally and externally to encounters marked by biased behaviors in the clinical and nonclinical settings. The tools provided will assist with creating a platform for honest, open discussions about the presence and impact of biased behaviors in both clinical and nonclinical settings in medicine.
About this Module
In this module, two residents discuss what appear to be unusual behaviors of their colleague, Malcolm. At first glance, one resident assumes that Malcolm may be evading his clinical duties and displaying unprofessional conduct. Only after discussion do they gain additional insight into Malcolm’s identity and its relation to the behaviors being displayed.
The comments depicted in this module are considered forms of microaggressions related to one’s religious affiliation. Microaggressions are defined as snubs, slights, or insults directed toward minorities or stigmatized groups that implicitly communicate or engender hostility (Sue et al. 2007 American Psychologist). If unjust or unfavorable treatment occurs as the result of microaggressions or macroaggressions related to religious affiliation this is considered religious discrimination.
Reflection Questions
Have you ever experienced microaggressions related towards your religious affiliation, nation of origin, or native language?
Have you ever witnessed a colleague being subjected to microaggressions related to their religious affiliation, nation of origin, or native language?
What are some of the thoughts or questions that came to mind as you viewed this encounter?
How would you respond during an encounter like this?
How would you support a colleague if you witnessed an encounter like this
Clear the AIRR
The Clear the AIRR provides a framework for how to respond internally and externally to encounters marked by biased behaviors in the clinical and nonclinical settings
The Clear the AIRR tool is a curriculum that supports and empowers the healthcare team to respond when experiencing or witnessing macroaggressions and microaggressions or other biased behaviors in the clinical and nonclinical settings.
Determine whether the setting is conducive to having a productive dialogue about the concerns raised. Should the conversation take place in a more private setting? Will your colleague be open to fruitful dialogue that will challenge their ideas? Should other support personnel present?
Seek to understand the perspective being shared and the underlying cause of the behavior being displayed.
These types of conversations can prove to be difficult to maneuver as you positively challenge the ideas of others. Responding provides an opportunity to encourage transparency, awareness of blindspots and open mindedness to new ways of thinking.
Debriefing and reporting the encounter ensures the person subjected to the behavior has a safe space to process the experience. Refer to the video portion of this module for specific reporting methods.
Thank You for Participating
With this framework, we hope that you learned helpful tips and techniques on how to address encounters marked by biased behaviors. Our goal is that this serves as a platform for honest, open discussions about the presence and impact of biased behaviors in various settings. We encourage you to share this training with your trainees and colleagues