Welcome GBS/GGB theme student Shaurita Hutchins to rotate in the lab.
ClipSV paper is online!
ClipSV paper is online!
Welcome Meghan
Welcome undergraduate student Meghan to join the lab.
Welcome Santhosh
Welcome GBS/Cancer biology theme student Santhosh Kumar Karthikeyan to rotate in the lab.
Welcome Stephanie
Welcome undergraduate student Stephanie to join the lab.
Welcome Katrina and Ethan
Welcome undergraduate students Katrina and Ethan to join the lab.
Welcome Weisheng
Welcome GBS/Cancer biology theme student Weisheng Chen to rotate in the lab.
MIRA Award!
Great news! We received a total of $1.8 million five-year MIRA award from NIH/NIGMS. More bioinformatics geeks are needed!!!
BDCatalyst Award!
Awesome news! We received a fellowship from the NHLBI BioData Catalyst Fellowship Program.
Zechen appointed in CCTS
Zechen was appointed as Associate Scientist of the Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS).