Alexander Rosenberg, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Microbiology
“Informatics for Immunology: B-Cell Repertoire Sequencing, Multi-parameter Flow Cytometry and Data Visualization”

Zechen Chong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Genetics
“Structural Variation Analysis from Short and Long Reads”

Min Gao, Ph.D., Bioinformatics Scientist
“Single Cell Genomics and Data Analysis”

Jake Chen, Ph.D., Professor
“Transforming Omics Data and Visual Storytelling”

Xiangqin Chi, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biostatistics
“Bioinformatics and Biostatistics – Overlaps and Distinctions”

Merry-Lynn McDonald, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine
“Network Medicine Approaches to Complex Disease”

Malay Basu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Pathology
“A Novel Gene-expression Signature for Ovarian Cancer Prognosis”

Stephen Barnes, Ph.D.
Professor, UAB Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
“Challenges in the Bioinformatics of Metabolomics”