
Final Report on our engagement with the Huron and Urban Impact Advisors: Click Here 

If you were unable to attend the townhall to learn about our plans and participate in our dialogue, please watch the town hall and consider providing feedback.

News & Announcements

Click here for details:

Published on May 31 , 2024:
Interested in joining a Working Group for the Research Strategic Inititiave: Growth with Purpose?

Faculty and staff members are encouraged to read the Working Groups charges and examine the final report before submitting an application through this online form.

Click here for details:

Published on May 17, 2024:
UAB is already a national leader in clinical trials. Here is how it plans to extend the benefits to even more Alabamians.

Click here for details:

Published on April 04, 2024:
Town hall shares immediate actions, path to growth and next steps for Research Strategic Initiative: Growth with Purpose

Click here for details:

Published on March 20, 2024:
Important Update on Our Growth With Purpose

Click here for details:

Published on March 01, 2024:
UAB research community input leads to enhancements as part of Research Strategic Initiative: Growth with Purpose


Click here for details:

Published on July 12, 2023:
Setting a road map to $1 billion in research expenditures


Make your voice heard through July 28

Faculty and staff members involved in research at UAB are invited to participate in a brief survey to gather your thoughts to identify strategic research priorities and areas where our research infrastructure can be strengthened. The survey will be open through July 28.