February 20, 2020: Rachael Guenter presents her work “Establishment of a Notch1-knockout Neuroendocrine Cancer Cell Line Using CRISPR/Cas9 Technology” at the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center Trainee Seminar Series.

February 20, 2020: Rachael Guenter presents her work “Establishment of a Notch1-knockout Neuroendocrine Cancer Cell Line Using CRISPR/Cas9 Technology” at the O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center Trainee Seminar Series.
November 10, 2020: On World NET Cancer Day (November 10th), Rachael Guenter presented her work, “Novel anti-SSTR2 antibody-targeted therapy for neuroendocrine cancers” in Orlando, Florida at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting.
November 2020: Chen, Jaskula-Sztul, and Rose lab members present their research at the annual O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center Retreat in Birmingham, Alabama
April 2019: Chen and Jaskula-Sztul labs attend the annual American Association of Endocrine Suregons (AAES) Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, California. Brendon Herring and Rachael Guenter give oral presentations, Danilea Carmona Matos gives a poster presentation