Steve (Ssang-Taek) Lim, Ph. D, Principal Investigator

Dr. Lim received his bachelor’s and master’s degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from Seoul National University, South Korea, and Ph.D. in Cell Biology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2003. He completed his postdoctoral training at the Scripps Research Institute’s Department of Immunology and the University of California San Diego Moores Cancer Center where he became an Assistant Project Scientist before joining the University of South Alabama’s faculty as Assistant Professor in 2012 and earning promotion as Associate Professor in 2019. Then, he started his new position to the Department of Pathology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2022.

James Murphy, Ph.D (August 2018-present), Postdoctoral fellow

James received his bachelor’s and master’s in mathematics from Spring Hill College and the University of South Alabama, respectively. In 2018, James graduated with a Ph.D. in basic medical science from the University of South Alabama. He has been a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Lim’s lab since 2018 and followed the lab when it moved to the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2022.

While not in the lab, James enjoys watching sports and hanging out with friends.

Ly Nguyen, Ph.D (September 2023-present), Postdoctoral fellow

Ly finished her Bachelor’s degree from University of Science, Hanoi, Vietnam in 2017. Then she completed her master’s in 2019 and doctoral programs in Physiology at Dongguk University, Korea in 2022. Ly joined Lim lab as a postdoctoral fellow in September, 2023.

Saroj Kumar Shrestha, Ph.D (October 2024-present), Postdoctoral fellow

Saroj hold a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from Pokhara University, Nepal (2014), and both a Master’s and PhD in Bioscience from Jeonbuk National University, South Korea (2023). His research primarily focuses on the molecular mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis and the calcification of vascular smooth muscle cells. Additionally, he has a postdoctoral experience in the Cell Biology Lab at Jeonbuk National University, where his work centers on the fate of hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells. He is passionate about advancing scientific knowledge and is dedicated to making meaningful contributions to the field.

Mi Ae Choi, B.S. (August 2024-present), Researcher

Mi Ae received her bachelor’s in Biochemistry from Chungnam National University, South Korea in 2019. She completed a course Combined MS/Ph.D in Health Sciences and Technology from Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea in 2022. Mi Ae joined the Limlab in August 2024 as a visiting scientist. She plans to pursue a Ph.D program.

Duyen Tran, B.S./M.S. (March 2023-Present), Ph.D Graduate Student

Duyen received her bachelor’s degree in Biology from University of Science, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam in 2019. Then, she has completed her master’s degree in Biotechnology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2021. Currently, she is studying Ph.D. program in GBS program at UAB.

Dilani Patel, B.S. (March 2024-present), Researcher

Dilani received her Bachelor’s degree in Biology from UAB in 2017. After graduating, she worked as a research assistant in the Department of Entomology at University of Georgia and as a Researcher II in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Pathology at UAB. Dilani has joined Dr. Lim’s lab as a Researcher II in March 2024.

UAB Lab Alumni

Postdoctoral fellow

Mai Nguyen, Ph.D (September 2023-August 2024)


Luke Griffin, B.S. (Researcher II, August 2022-July 2024)

Current position-Clinical Simulation Specialist, Department of Nursing at UAB

Undergraduate Students

Whitney Sharer, UAB (May 2021-December 2022)

Meghana Vadranam, UAB (Sep 2022-January 2023)

Sa’Nya Fleming, Jackson State, PRESTP Scholar (June 2023-August 2023)

Constance Wade, Mississippi State, PRESTP Scholar (June 2023-August 2023)

Esther Lee, UPenn, Summer research intern (July 2023-September 2023)

Daniel Soden, University of Michgan, PRESTP Scholar (May 2024 – July 2024)

University of South Alabama Lab Alumni

Graduate Students

Sebastian M. Spencer (Ph.D. BMS Graduate Program, 2012-Aug 2013)

Current position-Assistant Professor of Natural Sciences in Pensacola Christian College

Aliyu M Aliyu (MS Graduate Program, 2014-Jul 2015)

Current position-High School Teacher

Yelitza Rodriguez (Ph.D. BMS Graduate Program, 2016-2022)

Postdoctoral fellows

Hyunho Yoon, Ph.D (Feb 2014- Dec 2015)

Current position-Assistant Professor in Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea

Hyeonsoo Park, DVM/Ph.D (Dec 2015-Jul 2019)

Current position-Independent Veterinarian

Su-Jeong Kim, Ph.D (Feb 2017-Jan 2018)

Current position-Postdoctoral Fellow in Johns Hopkins University

Kyuho Jeong, Ph.D (Mar 2018-Feb 2022)

Current position-Assistant Professor in Dongguk University in Korea


Jacquelyn Howell, MS (Research Technician, May 2012-May 2013)

Current position-Instructor at Department of Biology in University of South Alabama

Loreen Bynum, MS (Research Technician, Dec 2012-Jun 2013)

Current position-Fisheries Observer, Hawaii

Joshua DeHart, BS (Research Technician, Jul 2013-Jul 2014)

Current position-Medical Student, University of South Alabama

Aritra Bhadra, MS (Research Technician, Jun 2017-Jul 2018)

Current position-Ph.D Graduate Student at Department of Physiology in University of South Alabama

Jun-Sub Kim, Ph.D (Visiting Scientist, Jul 2018-Jul 2019)

Current position-Associate Professor at Department of Biotechnology in Korea Transportation National University

Medical Students

Thomas Holcombe (Summer 2012)

Blake Tennant (Summer 2013, 2014)

Alex Koichi (Summer 2015, 2016)

Vishal Schoff (Summer 2018)

Yousef Omar (Summer 2019)

Clarisse Solis (Summer 2021)