Pip, Ph.D.

Pip is the smartest long-haired Chihuahua in the world who got his Ph.D. degree somewhere in California in an ancient year. Erin believes that Pip knows everything from ancient Greek philosophy to modern medical sciences. His research interests focus on analyzing the fundamental elements of the dog’s spirit, the dog’s purposes and reincarnation. In his free time, he enjoys running in parks and barking at every single dog and squirrel he encounters.


Candy is the simplest-minded sweet Chihuahua born in California who worries about nothing. She has a special talent in jumping up high and catching anything dropped near her mouth. Her research interests focus on how to eat more and sleep more. In her free time, she practices catching house flies, tastes exotic human foods and enjoys taking naps under sunshine.   



Cocoa doesn’t like Phoebe or Chandler as much as the dog in the picture, but she has learned to tolerate them over the years. Cocoa is 20 years old and is still mostly an outdoor cat. Although her hunting days are long gone she still enjoys sitting out on the porch for the majority of the day.

Chandler & Phoebe

Chandler (left) and Phoebe are 7 year old Shepard mixes. The Pell City shelter found them roaming the streets together and named them accordingly. They are ‘Friends,’ like the TV show, haha get it? (I’ve never really watched Friends.) You can tell by their personality that Phoebe was the fearless leader and Chandler was the loyal lackey. Originally, we just found a picture of Phoebe online and went to get only her. But, when we got to the shelter and heard the story and saw poor, little Chandler we had to take him home as well. Maybe the shelter lied to us and it was just part of the marketing strategy. If so, good job Pell City shelter because it worked beautifully.


Nahla is a 7 year old black cat that has a personality more like a dog. When she was younger and more agile she used to play fetch. However, she still does like to greet guests at the door and parade in front of them and show off. Her favorite holiday is Christmas as she likes to climb into the tree, and her favorite hobby is making Chandler jealous by stealing attention from him.