
Matoba K, Kochi T, Mreyoud YR, Badrani JH, Patel H, Tsujioka H, Yamashita T, Crossman DK, Niwa M, Kano S. “FcγR- and CD9-dependent synapse engulfing microglia in the thalamus drives cognitive impairment following cortical brain injury” bioRxiv. doi:

Dohi E*, Matoba K*, Garcia PA*, Francis-Oliveira J*, Anguiano F, Kochi T, Badrani J, See J, Ito N, Mitani R, Rose IVL, Choi EY, Imai T, CrossmanDK, Pletnikov MV, Witwer KW, Niwa M, Kano S. (*Equal contributors) “Circulating extracellular microRNAs in the blood promote sociability in mice” bioRxiv. doi:

Niwa M, Lockhart S, Wood DJ, Yang K, Francis-Oliveira J, Kin K, Ahmed A, Wand GS, Kano SI, Payne JL, Sawa A. “Prolonged HPA axis dysregulation in postpartum depression associated with adverse early life experiences: A cross-species translational study”
Nature Mental Health. 2024 May; 2(5): 593-604.

Kin K, Kano SI, Niwa M. “Adolescent stress impairs postpartum social behavior via anterior insula-prelimbic pathway.”
Nature Communications. 2023 May 23;14(1):2975.

Zhu X, Sakamoto S, Ishii C, Smith MD, Ito K, Obayashi M, Unger L, Hasegawa Y, Kurokawa S, Kishimoto T, Li H, Hatano S, Wang TH, Yoshikai Y, Kano SI, Fukuda S, Sanada K, Calabresi PA, Kamiya A. “Dectin-1 signaling on colonic γδ T cells promotes psychosocial stress responses.”
Nature Immunology. 2023 Apr;24(4):625-636. 

Matoba K, Dohi E, Choi EY,Kano SI. “Glutathione S-transferases Control astrocyte activation and neuronal health during neuroinflammation​.”
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2023 Jan 6;9:1080140. 

The development of biomarkers in psychiatry.
Nakano T, Takamura M, Kato TA, Kano SI.
Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022 Dec 1;13:1075993.

Hayes LN, An K, Carloni E, Li F, Vincent E, Paranjpe M, Dölen G, Goff LA, Ramos A, Kano SI, Sawa A. “Prenatal immune stress induces a prolonged blunting of microglia activation that impacts striatal connectivity.”
Nature. 2022 Oct;610(7931):327-334. 

Sakamoto S*, Mallah D * , Medeiros DJ, Dohi E, Imai T, Rose IVL, Matoba K, Zhu X, Kamiya A†, Kano SI† (*Equal contributors, †Co-corresponding authors). “Alterations in circulating extracellular vesicles underlie social stress-induced behaviors in mice.”
FEBS Open Bio. 2021 Oct;11(10):2678-2692.

Kano SI, Yang K, Sawa A. “Making Sense of Extracellular Vesicles in Body Fluids: Promise and Challenge.”
Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2021 Apr 29;47(3):586-587. 

Sagata N, Kano SI, Ohgidani M, Inamine S, Sakai Y, Kato H, Masuda K, Nakahara T, Nakahara-Kido M, Ohga S, Furue M, Sawa A, Kanba S, Kato TA. “Forskolin rapidly enhances neuron-like morphological change of directly induced-neuronal cells from neurofibromatosis type 1 patients.” 
Neuropsychopharmacology Reports. 2020 Dec;40(4):396-400.

Russell AE et al. (including Kano SI). “Biological membranes in EV biogenesis, stability, uptake, and cargo transfer: an ISEV position paper arising from the ISEV membranes and EVs workshop.” 
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles. 2019 Nov 8;8(1):1684862. 

Yang K, Kondo MA, Jaaro-Peled H, Cash-Padgett T, Kano SI, Ishizuka K, Pevsner J, Tomoda T, Sawa A, Niwa M. “The transcriptome landscape associated with Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia-1 locus impairment in early development and adulthood.”
Schizophrenia Research. 2019 Aug;210:149-156.

Kano S*, Choi EY, Dohi E, Agarwal S, Rose IVL, Chang DJ, Wilson AM, Lo BD,Imai T, Sawa A*. “Glutathione S-transferases promote proinflammatory astrocyte-microglia communication during brain inflammation.” (*Co-corresponding authors) 
Science Signaling. 12, eaar2124, 2019.

They C, Witwer KW et al. (including Kano S) “Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines” 
J Extracellular Vesicles. 2018 Nov 23;7(1):1535750. 

Kano S*, Dohi E, Rose IVL. “Extracellular Vesicles for Research on Psychiatric Disorders.” 
Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2018 Sep 15. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sby127.

Kano SI, Hodgkinson CA, Jones-Brando L, Eastwood S, Ishizuka K, Niwa M, Choi EY, Chang DJ, Chen Y, Velivela SD, Leister F, Wood J, Chowdari K, Ducci F, Caycedo DA, Heinz E, Newman ER, Cascella N, Mortensen PB, Zandi PP, Dickerson F, Nimgaonkar V, Goldman D, Harrison PJ, Yolken RH, Sawa A. “Host-parasite interaction associated with major mental illness.”
Molecular Psychiatry. 2018 Aug 20. doi: 10.1038/s41380-018-0217-z.

Dohi E, Choi EY, Rose IVL, Chow S, Murata A, Niwa M, Kano S*. “Behavioral changes in mice lacking interleukin-33.” eNeuro. 2017;4(6) ENEURO.0147-17.2017.

Akamine S, Sagata N, Sakai Y, Kato TA, Nakahara T, Matsushita Y, Togao O, Hiwatashi A, Sanefuji M, Ishizaki Y, Torisu H, Saitsu H, Matsumoto N, Hara T, Sawa A, Kano S, Furue M, Kanba S, Shaw CA, Ohga S. “Early-onset epileptic encephalopathy and severe developmental delay in an association with de novo double mutations in NF1 and MAGEL2.” Epilepsia Open. 2017 Nov 23;3(1):81-85.

Fukudome D, Hayes LN, Faust TE, Foss CA, Kondo MA, Lee BJ, Saito A, Kano SI, Coughlin JM, Kamiya A, Pomper MG, Sawa A, Niwa M. “Translocator protein (TSPO) and stress cascades in mouse models of psychosis with inflammatory disturbances.”
Schizophrenia Research. 2018 Feb 2. pii: S0920-9964(18)30035-5. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2018.01.015.

Sagata N, Kato TA, Kano SI, Ohgidani M, Shimokawa N, Sato-Kasai M, Hayakawa K, Kuwano N, Wilson AM, Ishizuka K, Kato S, Nakahara T, Nakahara-Kido M, Setoyama D, Sakai Y, Ohga S, Furue M, Sawa A, Kanba S. “Dysregulated gene expressions of MEX3D, FOS and BCL2 in human induced-neuronal (iN) cells from NF1 patients: A pilot study.”
Scientific Reports. 2017;7(1):13905.

Niwa M, Lee RS, Tanaka T, Okada K, Kano SI, Sawa A. “A critical period of vulnerability to adolescent stress: epigenetic mediators in mesocortical dopaminergic neurons.” 
Human Molecular Genetics. 2016;25(7):1370-81.  

Passeri E, Jones-Brando L, Bordón C, Sengupta S, Wilson AM, Primerano A, Rapoport JL, Ishizuka K, Kano S, Yolken RH, Sawa A. “Infection and characterization of Toxoplasma gondii in human induced neurons from patients with brain disorders and healthy controls.”  
Microbesand Infection. 2016;18(2):153-8.

Lo B, Chang D, Kano S*. “Alternative human cell models for neuropsychiatric research: induced neuronal (iN) cells, olfactory epithelium, and related resources” 
Modeling the Psychopathological Dimensions of Schizophrenia. (book chapter)2016; (23) 407-422. ​​

Passeri E, Wilson AM, Primerano A, Kondo MA, Sengupta S, Srivastava R, Koga M, Obie C, Zandi PP, Goes FS, Valle D, Rapoport JL, Sawa A*, Kano S*, Ishizuka K*. “Enhanced conversion of induced neuronal cells (iN cells) from human fibroblasts: utility in uncovering cellular deficits in mental illness-associated chromosomal abnormalities.” (*Co-corresponding authors) 
Neuroscience Research. 2015;101:57-61.

Kano SYuan M, Cardarelli RA, Maegawa G, Higurashi N, Tristan C, Kondo MA, Chen Y, Wilson A, Koga M, Obie C, Ishizuka K, Seshadri S, Srivastava R, Kato TA, Horiuchi Y  Sedlak TW, Lee Y, Rapoport JL, Hirose S, Okano H, Valle D, O’Donnell, Sawa A, Kai M. “Clinical utility of neuronal cells directly converted from fibroblasts of patients for neuropsychiatric disorders: studies of lysosomal storage diseases and channelopathy.” 
Current Molecular Medicine. 2015;15(2):138-45

Prior to 2014
Horiuchi Y, Kano S, Ishizuka K, Cascella NG, Ishii S, Talbot CC Jr, Jaffe AE, Okano H, Pevsner J, Colantuoni C, Sawa A. “Olfactory cells via nasal biopsy reflect the developing brain in gene expression profiles: utility and limitation of the surrogate tissues in research for brain disorders.” 
Neuroscience Research. 2013;77(4):247-50.

Tezuka T, Tamura M, Kondo MA, Sakaue M, Okada K, Takemoto K, Fukunari A, Miwa K, Ohzeki H, Kano S, Yasumatsu H, Sawa A, Kajii Y. “Cuprizone short-term exposure: astrocytic IL-6 activation and behavioral changes relevant to psychosis.” 
Neurobiology of Disease. 2013.;59:63-8.

Mor E, Kano S, Colantuoni C, Sawa A, Navon R, Shomron N. “MicroRNA-382 expression is elevated in the olfactory neuroepithelium of schizophrenia patients.” 
Neurobiology of Disease. 2013;55:1-10.

Kondo MA, Tajinda K, Colantuoni C, Hiyama H, Seshadri S, Huang B, Pou S, Furukori K, Hookway C, Jaaro-Peled H, Kano S, Matsuoka N, Harada K, Ni Keni, Pevsner J, Sawa A. “Unique pharmacological actions of atypical neuroleptic quetiapine: possible role in cell cycle/fate control.” 
Translational Psychiatry. 2013;3:e243.

Ibi D, Nagai T, Nakajima A, Mizoguchi H, Kawase T, Tsuboi D, Kano S, Sato Y, Hayakawa M, Lange UC, Adams DJ, Surani MA, Satoh T, Sawa A, Kaibuchi K, Nabeshima T, Yamada K. “Astroglial IFITM3 mediates neuronal impairments following neonatal immune challenge in mice.” 
Glia. 2013;61(5):679-93.

Kano SColantuoni C, Han F, Zhou Z, Yuan Q, Wilson A, Takayanagi Y, Lee Y, Rapoport J, Eaton W, Cascella N, Ji H, Goldman D, Sawa A. “Genome-wide profiling of multiple histone methylations in olfactory cells: further implications for cellular susceptibility to oxidative stress in schizophrenia.” 
Molecular Psychiatry. 2013;18(7):740-2.

Niwa M, Jaaro-Peled H, Tankou S, Seshadri S, Hikida T, Matsumoto Y, Cascella N, Kano S, Ozaki N, Nabeshima T, Sawa A. “Adolescent stress-induced epigenetic control of dopaminergic neurons via glucocorticoids.” 
Science. 2013;339(6117):335-9.

Coughlin JM, Ishizuka K, Kano SI, Edwards JA, Seifuddin FT, Shimano MA, Daley EL, Zandi PP, Leweke FM, Cascella NG, Pomper MG, Yolken RH, Sawa A. “Marked reduction of soluble superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1) in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with recent-onset schizophrenia.” 
Molecular Psychiatry. 2013;18(1):10-1.

Kano S, Nwulia E, Niwa M, Chen Y, Sawa A, Cascella N. “Altered MHC class I expression in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of nonsmoker patients with schizophrenia.” 
Neuroscience Research. 2011;71(3):289-93.

Mouri A, Koseki T, Narusawa S, Niwa M, Mamiya T, Kano SI, Sawa A, Nabeshima T. “Mouse strain differences in phencyclidine-induced behavioural changes.” 
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 2011;1-13. 

Ozeki Y, Pickard B, Kano S, Malloy MP, Zeledon M, Sun DQ, Fujii K, Wakui K, Shirayama Y, Fukushima Y, Kunugi H, Hashimoto K, Muir WJ, Blackwood DH, Sawa A. “A novel balanced chromosomal translocation found in subjects with schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder: altered l-serine level associated with disruption of PSAT1 gene expression.” 
Neuroscience Research. 2011;69(2):154-60.

Seshadri S, Kamiya A, Yokota Y, Prikulis I, Kano S, Hayashi-Takagi A, Stanco A, Eom TY, Rao S, Ishizuka K, Wong P, Korth C, Anton ES, Sawa A. “Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia-1 expression is regulated by beta-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme-1-neuregulin cascade.” 
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U S A. 2010;107(12):5622-7.

Kano S, Sato K, Morishita Y, Vollstedt S, Kim S, Bishop K, Honda K, Kubo M, Taniguchi T. “The contribution of transcription factor IRF1 to the interferon-g-interleukin-12 signaling axis and TH1 versus TH-17 differentiation of CD4+ T cells.” 
Nature Immunology. 2008;9(1):34-41. 

Takaoka A, Yanai H, Kondo S, Duncan G, Negishi H, Mizutani T, Kano S, Honda K, Ohba Y, Mak TW, Taniguchi T. “Integral role of IRF-5 in the gene induction programme activated by Toll-like receptors.” 
Nature. 2005;434(7030): 243-249.