
Shelby Biomedical Research Building

Jun group office and lab are located on the 8th floor of the Shelby Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Building at 1825 University Blvd., Birmingham, AL 35294

2023 Summer

Jun group lunch with Dr. Cheon group and Endomimetics team.

Happy & healthy summer.

2022 Summer

Jun group lunch with Endomimetics team.

Happy & healthy summer.

2018 Summer

Jun group lunch of Summer 2018 at Brio: Farewell for Catherine and good luck on her doctoral study at U Penn; Congrats on Grant’s doctoral defense, now Dr. Alexander; Congrats on Jun Chen’s American Heart Association Post-Doctoral Fellowship; Welcome a visiting professor, Dr. HwiDong Jung from Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea.

2016 Summer

Jun group lunch celebrating my promotion from an associate professor to a professor, Lily’s acceptance to medical school, Paul’s acceptance to dental school (traveling Europe now), and Jeremy’s new born baby. We will miss Lily and Paul although they will be just across the street. *^,^* We also welcome new members this summer: Jacob from the CORD summer internship, Soha from the BME high school summer camp, and Asher from the MD/PhD student summer rotation. It has been 10 years at UAB. All credits go to Jun group members for their dedication and hard work. 

2016 Summer

Jun group picture was taken at 8 am just before the early MONDAY group meeting in front of the Shelby Building where our home is located on 8th floor. I always appreciate your hard work and great accomplishments! Jun group is definitely getting more visually upgraded!

2015 Summer

Dinner at Olive Garden. Summer 2015! Great Productive Summer with These Members! Missing Group Members: Jeremy, Sagar, Dishant, Joseph Special Guests: Dhruv (Alumni, 2nd yr Medical School), Didarul (Dr. Wick Group), Janet (4th yr Dental School), Jessie (4th yr Dental School)

2014 Summer

2013 Summer

2012 Summer

2010 Summer

2010 Summer

ss edit Jun group photo June 15 2010

2009 Summer

2008 Summer

2007 Summer