To advance mental health and well-being scholarly work and application of findings for people with and without disabilities through community engaged social and behavioral translational sciences using qualitative and mixed methods.


The Inclusive Well-Being Translational Science Collaborative was established in 2023 by Dr. Robin Lanzi as an official portal for her research, teaching, and service and as a mechanism to engage with students, faculty, community members and partners, and others who are interested in mental well-being, disabilities, social and behavioral sciences, qualitative and mixed methods, community engagement, and translational sciences.

Dr. Lanzi is engaged with multiple collaborative scholarly efforts including launching the UAB Disability Health Coalition; serving as National Director of Community Engagement and Translational Sciences with the National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD); developing and implementing the NCHPAD mental wellness program – GROWTH (Growing Resilience Out of Wellness and Thoughtful Habits); serving as Community Engagement Core Director for the Center for Engagement in Disability Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (CEDHARS); founding and co-directing the UAB Mental Health Ambassadors Program; serving as MPI of the UAB CFAR Implementation Science Consultation Hub. Dr. Lanzi teaches multiples courses and has numerous directed research opportunities on disability health and wellbeing and mental health and wellbeing, community engagement, translational science – all from a social and behavioral sciences perspective. Please see separate tabs for more in-depth information on each of these.