DSC Graduate Research Impacts Policy

Dr. Jenni Wise’s dissertation work used a mixed methods approach to evaluate the similarities and differences among working and non-working WWH and women at risk for HIV (WARH) in the United States using traditional return to work factors (i.e. physical capacity and cognitive capacity) and other factors prominent in the occupational literature, but not sufficiently investigated among PWH (i.e., socioeconomic status, availability of social capital/social support, and attitudes and behaviors associated with personal empowerment). Integrated findings from a mixed-methods approach suggest that attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors associated with empowerment, cognitive function and problem-solving ability, and emotional coping and psychological health influence employment and occupational productivity in WWH.

Dr. Wise’s work has influenced directions for future research and has laid the groundwork for future interventions and policy in several ways. Jenni’s work has 1) Elucidated the relationships between improved health outcomes and employment among WWH, and provided the pilot data critically needed to underscore the call for occupational programs among WWH; 2) highlighted the need for a more holistic approach to vocational rehabilitation and screening needs among WWH, and 3) important inferences for total worker health and return-to-work policies among other populations. Notably, behaviors associated with improved psychological health, problem-solving strategies, and personal empowerment can be taught through interventions, thus improving employment and health outcomes across populations.  Jenni’s work may be useful in the advocacy of expanding the provision of vocational rehabilitation within the Ryan White CARE Act and the Ryan White program.

More Congratulations…

Congratulations to Drs. Mark Schall and Sean Gallagher for their promotions.  Dr. Schall was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure and Dr. Gallagher was promoted to Full Professor.

Mark Schall, PhD Sean Gallagher, PhD


The Deep South Center is proud to announce its 2020 graduates:

Charles L. Boyd, MPH, Industrial Hygiene

Shanita L. Thomas, MPH, Industrial Hygiene,

Tyea M. Johnson, MPH, Industrial Hygiene

Blake E. Culver, MPH, Industrial Hygiene

Jordan Nelson, PhD, Industrial Hygiene

Nicholas Smith, PhD, Industrial Systems Engineering

Brendan Fagen, MISE

Matthew Reed, MISE

Mathew Reyer, MISE

Christy Evans, MISE

Mary Beth Gordon, MISE

Grayson Phillips, MISE

Wallace Morris, MISE

Yuting Ma, MISE

Bill Weems Memorial Library

Sadly, the Deep South Center, and the OSH Community lost a valued member, William (Bill) Weems, DrPH, CIH, CSP, FAIHA.  Bill was a tireless scholar and instructor as well as an active member of the Deep South Center Board of Advisors.  Bill’s career spanned over 30 years with University of Alabama’s Safe State Occupational Health and Safety (Safe State) consultation program, first as its supervisory health consultant, and ultimately as Director.  In 2005, Bill was honored with the first William J. Wiggins Award, a national OSHA award, recognizing his work for safety excellence in the small business community.  Bill was a dedicated OSH leader and most proud of his accomplishments in the state finding solutions to “challenging environmental and occupational safety and health problems”.
As part of Bill’s legacy, his vast collection of scholarly books was donated to the DSC for use by our students and faculty.  Once the library is in place, the DSC will hold a small ceremony to honor Bill, his family and legacy.

Deep South ERC – CE Program Providing Training AL Nursing Home Association

The Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety in cooperation with the Alabama Nursing Home Association will be training the 500 nursing home representatives throughout the State of Alabama as qualitative fit testers to return to their respective nursing homes to fit test their employees using N95 respirators in the fight against transmission of Covid-19. 25 courses in 4.5 weeks. We are honored to be chosen as your training provider and to be a part of this mission.


IH Students – AIHce Virtual Presentations and Awards

Congratulation IH Students

Poster Presented at AIHce:

1. N. Chen, C. L. Boyd, J. Oh. Evaluation of the Effect of Safety Gloves on Hand-arm Vibration (HAV) Levels. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) Virtual Conference. June, 2020.

2. C. L. Boyd, N. Chen, J. Oh. Comparison of Hand-arm Vibration (HAV) Levels Between a Chainsaw, Weed Eater, and Backpack Blower. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) Virtual Conference. June, 2020.

3. J. S. Shedd, E. L. Floyd, J. Oh, C. T. Lungu. Quality Assurance Investigations of Buckypaper Sorbents for Air Sampling. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) Virtual Conference. June, 2020.

Three scholarships received from AIHF:

1. Savannah Jones- George & Florence Clayton Scholarshi

2. Andrew K. Spivey- AIHF Scholarship

3. Nathan Chen- Los Alamos Scholarship

COVID-19 Resources

Impact to Training

NIOSH Spirometry


OSHA Publications

Personal Protective Equipment



The University of Cincinnati – Department of Environmental and Public Health Education and Research Center (ERC)

Public Safety Resources

CDC Resources


The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)

Face Mask Creations

Mental Health Resources

CDC Resources

Center for Workplace Mental Health

National Institute for Mental Health

Mental Health America

Workplace Preparation



If disinfectants on this list are in short supply, alternative disinfectants can be used (for example, 1/3 cup of bleach added to 1 gallon of water, or 70% alcohol solutions).

OSHA Publications

The Chamber of Commerce West Alabama

Andrew Perkins Scholarship

In 2016, we established the Andrew Perkins Scholarship for Audiometric Testing and Hearing Conservation, to honor one of our colleagues for his commitment to training excellence and occupational safety.   This annual scholarship will provide full tuition to enable one student to attend an Audiometric Testing and Hearing Conservation course provided through Deep south Center.  The Center will post scholarship forms for those interested in applying in November.  The scholarship winner will be notified in December and allowed to choose a course from those offered in the calendar year beginning January 1.

Congratulations -Andy Perkins on New Appointment to NACOSH!

The Deep South Center for Occupational Health and Safety (DSC) is proud to announce the appointment of Andrew Perkins, CIH, CSP to the National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (NACOSH) under the U.S. Department of Labor.NACOSH members represent occupational health, occupational safety, labor, management and public interests.The DSC recommended Mr. Perkins for a one year appointment as a Public Representative for NACOSHas an HHS Designee considering his outstanding work in occupational safety and health with his own organization and with the American Industrial Hygiene Association.He is a nationally recognized industrial hygienist working with the DSC and UAB’s Schoolof Public Health (SOPH) sharing his time and expertise in lectures, special projects with the DSC students and as a professional mentor.NACOSH works directly with the Secretaries of Labor and Health and Human Services on issues relating to the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act of 1970.Committee Members advise, consult and make recommendations to the Secretaries specifically on matters such as regulations, research, compliance assistance and enforcement.Mr. Perkins is a Senior Industrial Hygienist for Alabama Power Company and is currently serving as vice-chair for the DSC Board of Advisors. He is also a Public Health Practitioner Affiliate in the School of Public Health.