Southeast Mine Safety and Health
The Southeast Mine Safety and Health Conference Team wants to stay connected with you. So we had Dr. Kevin Elko one of our most popular speakers record a special message for you. Feel free to use this video in a safety meeting or share it with your team. Also remember to mark your calendar for the November 3-5, 2021 Southeast Mine Safety and Health Conference in Birmingham, AL registration will be posted in 2021 on our website. Enjoy the video!
The 2020 Southeast Mine Safety and Health Conference has been postponed but will occur in November 2021. This decision did not come easily and was made weighing all the available information. This was the correct decision given the unknowns, potential health risk to attendees, exhibitors, and speakers as well as the finical sustainability of the conference’s moving forward.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2021 Southeast Mine Safety and Health Conference. As well as many conferences in the future.
Please mark your calendars for the 2021 Southeast Mine Safety and Health Conference. Starting with Pre-Conference and Golf options on November 2, 2021 then the Conference on November 3 – November 5, 2021.
- Sponsors make the conference possible. Make your sponsorship donation today and we will post your logo on our website now.
- Booking 2021 Exhibitors Now! See the current 2021 Exhibitors CLICK HERE. To get the best booth possible for 2021 CLICK HERE.
- 2021 Attendee registration is not open at this time. Once Attendee registration opens we will post on our website and send an email out.
- We want to stay engaged with you. Connect with our social media channels below. Also visit our website for more updated information.
Deep South ERC – CE Program Providing Training AL Nursing Home Association
IH Students – AIHce Virtual Presentations and Awards
Congratulation IH Students
Poster Presented at AIHce:
1. N. Chen, C. L. Boyd, J. Oh. Evaluation of the Effect of Safety Gloves on Hand-arm Vibration (HAV) Levels. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) Virtual Conference. June, 2020.
2. C. L. Boyd, N. Chen, J. Oh. Comparison of Hand-arm Vibration (HAV) Levels Between a Chainsaw, Weed Eater, and Backpack Blower. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) Virtual Conference. June, 2020.
3. J. S. Shedd, E. L. Floyd, J. Oh, C. T. Lungu. Quality Assurance Investigations of Buckypaper Sorbents for Air Sampling. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) Virtual Conference. June, 2020.
Three scholarships received from AIHF:
1. Savannah Jones- George & Florence Clayton Scholarshi
2. Andrew K. Spivey- AIHF Scholarship
3. Nathan Chen- Los Alamos Scholarship