Congratulation IH Students
Poster Presented at AIHce:
1. N. Chen, C. L. Boyd, J. Oh. Evaluation of the Effect of Safety Gloves on Hand-arm Vibration (HAV) Levels. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) Virtual Conference. June, 2020.
2. C. L. Boyd, N. Chen, J. Oh. Comparison of Hand-arm Vibration (HAV) Levels Between a Chainsaw, Weed Eater, and Backpack Blower. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) Virtual Conference. June, 2020.
3. J. S. Shedd, E. L. Floyd, J. Oh, C. T. Lungu. Quality Assurance Investigations of Buckypaper Sorbents for Air Sampling. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) Virtual Conference. June, 2020.
Three scholarships received from AIHF:
1. Savannah Jones- George & Florence Clayton Scholarshi
2. Andrew K. Spivey- AIHF Scholarship
3. Nathan Chen- Los Alamos Scholarship