Just-in-time/Refresher Training Video Series from the Office of Interprofessional Simulation for Innovative Clinical Practice
The Office of Interprofessional Simulation for Innovative Clinical Practice at the University of Alabama at Birmingham developed a series of just-in-time/refresher training videos demonstrating protocols for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). These protocols are intended for hospital healthcare workers involved in the assessment and care of individuals with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. This guidance is specific to COVID-19.
Only clinical staff who are training and competent in the use of this PPE should be allowed to enter the patient’s room.
Healthcare workers must be familiar with local and institutional operational guidelines for the safe care of patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
Hospitals need to identify areas of safety donning and doffing of PPE.
When possible, the donning and doffing process should be supervised by a trained observer. A Trained Observer is a member of the staff who is also trained and competent in the use of the PPE (often an infection prevention professional, nurse, or physician) whose sole responsibility is to guide health care providers as they don (put on) and doff (take off) personal protective equipment, or PPE. Enhanced precautions go beyond standard precautions and should only be used when caring for certain patients.
Enhanced precautions should be used when caring or treating the following: A) patient(s) at high-risk of having COVID-19 (i.e. a person who has signs and symptoms, exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, traveled to an area where COVID is endemic/widespread), B. a person under investigation (PUI) (i.e. someone who has signs and symptoms and results for COVID-19 test are being processed), C). a patient with confirmed COVID-19.
COVID-19 Enhanced PPE Donning and Doffing with Face Shield
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely putting on (donning) PPE with a face shield prior to caring for possible or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely removing (doffing) PPE with a face shield following the care of possible or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
COVID-19 Enhanced PPE Donning and Doffing with Goggles
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely put on (donning) PPE with goggles prior to caring for possible or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely removing (doffing) PPE with goggles following the care of possible or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
COVID-19 Enhanced PPE Donning and Doffing with Blue Alternate Gown
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely put on (donning) PPE with an alternate gown prior to caring for possible or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely removing (doffing) PPE with an alternate gown following the care of possible or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
COVID-19 Enhanced PPE Donning and Doffing with Cloth Gown
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely put on (donning) PPE with a cloth gown for extended use prior to caring for possible or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely removing (doffing) PPE with a cloth gown for extended use following the care of possible or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
COVID-19 Enhanced PPE Donning and Doffing with Poncho Extended Use
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely put on (donning) PPE with a poncho for extended use prior to caring for possible or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely removing (doffing) PPE with a poncho for extended use following the care of possible or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
COVID-19 Enhanced PPE Donning and Doffing N95 from Tray
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely put on (donning) a N95 mask using a tray prior to caring for possible or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely removing (doffing) a N-95 mask using a tray following the care of possible or confirmed COVID-19 patients.
COVID-19 Aerosolizing Procedure PPE Donning & Doffing
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely donning and doffing of PPE in the setting of performing an intubation or other high-risk airway procedure in a patient under investigation for COVID-19.
COVID-19 Doffing Snorkel Mask for Aerosol Generating Procedures
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely put on (donning) PPE with a snorkel mask prior to performing an aerosol generating procedures in a patient under investigation for COVID-19.
This video demonstrates institutional procedures for safely removing (doffing) PPE with a snorkel mask following an aerosol generating procedure in a patient under investigation for COVID-19.
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