Use the button above to access all of the EVD course material.

Donning and Doffing Checklists and Guides

  • High Output Donning PPE Checklist
  • High Output Doffing PPE Checklist
  • Low Output Donning PPE Checklist
  • Low Output Doffing PPE Checklist
  • Ebola Low Output PPE Kit Contents

Donning and Doffing Guides

  • Ebola Guide for Donning High Output PPE
  • Ebola Guide for Doffing High Output PPE
  • Ebola Guide for Donning LowOutput PPE
  • Ebola Guide for Doffing Low Output PPE

Awareness Materials

  • Awareness Presentations
  • Infectious Disease Database Worksheet and Answer Key

Operations Materials

  • Operations Presentation

Train-the-Trainer Materials

  • Train-the-Trainer Presentations
  • Best Practices
  • Instructor Rubric – to grade donning/doffing expert