- 1 Current Research
- 1. Chengcui Zhang (PI), TCL Research America, “Online Learning of Group Structures for Person Identity Inference,” December 2015 – May 2017, $40,000.
- 2. Zhan Bu (PI), Chengcui Zhang (Co-PI), and Lu Zhang (Co-PI), China Natural Science Foundation, “Study on Online Public Mood Detection and Evolution Analysis Algorithms for the Financial Market Forecasting,” Jan. 2016-Dec. 2018, RMB210,000.
- 3. Nitesh Saxena (PI) and Chengcui Zhang (Co-PI), Comcast, “Secure and Usable Game CAPTCHAs,” Aug. 2014-Aug. 2015, $75,000.
- 4. Olivia Affuso (PI), Chengcui Zhang (Co-I), and David Allison (Co-I), NIH RO1, “A Photographic Method for Human Body Composition Assessment,” Jun. 1, 2012 – May 31, 2017, $2,388,439.
- 5. Anthony Skjellum (PI), Chengcui Zhang (Co-PI), Ragib Hasan (Co-PI), and Purushotham Bangalore (Co-PI), NSF MRI-1229282, “MRI: Development of a GPU-Enabled, Petascale Active Storage Architecture for Data-Intensive Applications in HPC and Cloud Environments,” Oct. 1, 2012 – Sep. 30, 2015, $300,000.
- 6. Holly Brasher (PI), Chengcui Zhang (Co-PI), David Lowery (Co-PI), NSF IOS-1127911, “Using Computer and Information Sciences to Understand Organizational Engagement,” Aug. 15 2011 – Aug. 14, 2014, $485,920.00.
- 7. Chengcui Zhang (PI), Gary Warner (Co-PI), “Development of Multi-Dimensional Analysis Techniques for eBay Fraud Detection,” eBay Inc., June 30th 2010 – June 30th, 2011, $63,058.
- 8. Kent Kerley (PI), Gary Warner, Chengcui Zhang, and Purushotham Bangalore, NSF REU SMA-1004953, “REU Site: Using the Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Mathematics to Study Crime,” June 1, 2010 – May 31, 2013, $333,816.
- 9. Chengcui Zhang (PI), NSF DBI-0649894, imArray-An Automated High-Performance Microarray Scanner Software Package for Microarray Image Analysis, Data Management, and Knowledge Mining, September 2007 C August 2010, $250,748.
- 10.Chengcui Zhang (PI), UAB ADVANCE junior faculty research award, Automated Bacterial Colony Counting, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (award SBE-0245090), $20,000, 2008-2009.
- 11.Chengcui Zhang (PI), UAB ADVANCE junior faculty research award, Automatic Vehicle Classification for Video-based Traffic Surveillance, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (award SBE-0245090), $22,418,2007-2008.
- 12.Chengcui Zhang (PI), IBM UIMA Award, imArray C An Integrated Data Management and Data Mining System for Microarray Data Analysis, August 2006 CAugust 2007, $19,000. (20 awardees world wide)
- 13.Chengcui Zhang (PI), 2005-2006 UAB ADVANCE junior faculty research award, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, $10,000.00.
- 14.Chengcui Zhang (PI), Faculty Development Award, Information Mining and Management for Intelligent Transportation Systems UAB, 2005-2006, $7240.00.
- 15.Chengcui Zhang (PI), UAB ADVANCE program of the Office for the Advancement of Women in Science and Engineering, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (award SBE-0245090), $30,000.
- 16.Chengcui Zhang (PI), 2004-2005 UAB ADVANCE junior faculty research award, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (award SBE-0245090), $12,368.00.
Current Research