Dr. Constanza J. Cortes (PI)

Dr. Constanza Cortes
Assistant Professor (cjcortes [at]
Education and Training
Research Assistant Professor
Duke University Department of Neurology
Duke Center for Neurodegeneration and Neurotherapeutics
Senior Fellow, Duke Aging Center
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of California San Diego
Department of Pediatrics
Mentor: Dr. Albert R. La Spada
Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Physiology
University of Chicago
Mentor: Dr. James A. Mastrianni
About Connie
I am interested in understanding how our brain ages, using animal models to understand the cellular and molecular changes in the aging brain. This is particularly fascinating as age is the most common risk factors for many neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease. If we can identify pathways that modulate aging of the central nervous system, we may be able to develop therapies for Alzheimer’s disease and help our brain heal itself.
I am really keen to share the excitement of scientific discovery with other people. Other scientists, my trainees, and the public! Training junior investigators is a large part of what I do, and I am particularly interested in breaking down barriers to enhance diversity and improve the representation of minorities in science. As such, good mentoring of students and postdocs is a personal goal of mine, and I enjoy training and supporting upcoming generations of scientists very much.
Allison Birnbaum
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Cell Developmental and Integrative Biology

Education and Training
Ph.D.- Iowa State University -Genetics and Genomics – Mentor: Dr. Hua Bai
M.S.- SUNY Binghamton – Biomedical Anthropology – Mentor: Dr. Koji Lum
B.S.- SUNY Binghamton – Biochemistry
Email: abirnba1[at]
About Allison
I am interested in the communication between glia and neurons in regulating synaptic function, neuron survival, and maintaining both CNS and PNS functional activity. I am currently investigating how exercise-associated pathways originating from the periphery can attenuate astrocyte inflammation that occurs with Alzheimer’s Disease. When I am not in the lab, I enjoy pub trivia and playing volleyball!
Awards and Honors
Alzheimer’s Association Research Fellowship (AARF) Program – 2021
Kristen Coutinho
PhD student, joined in 2020
Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatic
Graduate Biomedical Science

Education and Training
B.S.- Kennesaw State University- Biology
Email: kcoutinh[at]
About Kristen
I am studying the effects of TFEB in mouse skeletal muscle. In my free time, I enjoy walks in the park, playing flute and piano, and hanging out with friends.
Awards and Honors
Health Equity Award – 08/20/2021 – AI against CANCER Data Science Hackathon, University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Translational Medicine T32 Fellowship Finalist – 08/04/2021- University of Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Ian Matthews
PhD student, joined in 2020
Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Biology
Graduate Biomedical Science

Education and Training
B.A. – Lewis and Clark College – Biology
Email: ianmatt[at]
About Ian
Here for a long time, not a good time
Dalton Patterson
Master’s student
Department of Cell Developmental and Integrative Biology

Education and Training
B.S.- Piedmont University – Cell and Molecular Biology
Email: daltoncp[at]
About Dalton
I am interested in exploring the field of aging research and how neurodegenerative disease’s affect brain aging. Outside of that, I like to watch movies, play tennis and video games, and take my dog for walks.
Awards and Honors
GSG Fall Travel Grant – 2020
NIA/NIH Supplemental Diversity Award – 2021
Samuel B. Barker Award for Excellence in Graduate Studies 2021-2022
MSMBS Annual 3MT competition winner – 2022
Macy Banks
Undergraduate student

Email: ab4791[at]
About Macy
Hi! I am a rising undergraduate senior at UAB majoring in Chemistry and Neuroscience! I am currently investigating the cholinergic system in our 5xFAD mouse line through IF and analyzing data sets related to this system and AD. I am applying to Pharmacology PhD programs this fall in hopes to become a pharmacometrician!
Rizwan Khan
Undergraduate student

About Rizwan
Hi everyone, my name is Rizwan Khan, and I am a senior majoring in Neuroscience. I am also pursuing an MPH through UAB’s ABM program
Megan McGraw
Undergraduate Student/Research Technician

About Megan
Megan graduated in 2022 from the Undergraduate Neuroscience Program and the Accelerated Bachelors/Masters in Multidisciplinary Biomedical Sciences concentration in Neuroscience with high distinguished honors from the Science and Technology Honors program
Pranesh Macha
Undergraduate Student

About Pranesh
I am a Junior pursuing a Neuroscience major and a Chemistry minor on the pre-med track. I am also a part of the Science and Technology Honors program here at UAB.
Anna Wilson
Undergraduate Student

About Anna
UAB College of Arts and Sciences, Neuroscience
Email: annawil[at]