The Cognition, Brain, and Autism (CBrA) Lab

The Cognition, Brain and Autism Lab is directed by Dr. Rajesh Kana in the Department of Psychology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Our lab investigates the neurobiology of social, cognitive and affective processes in both typical and atypical development. We study people with developmental disorders, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and neurotypical individuals in order to learn more about the similarities and differences at the brain, behavior, and cognitive levels. In order to achieve this goal, we utilize neuropsychological assessments and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques to measure brain structure, function, connectivity, and metabolite levels. Our research is directed at identifying a neurobiological marker for ASD and to understand the impact of cognitive and behavioral interventions on the brain in children and adults with ASD. We welcome you to join us!

(205) 202-0616
Targeting Brain Plasticity in Autism Using a Reading Intervention
Listen to Cognition, Brain, and Autism Laboratory Director, Dr. Rajesh Kana, give a presentation with the Autism Research Institute on brain plasticity in autism, and how it relates to our lab’s research!