Low-Force Testing
Bose Testbench
This mechanical testing system is useful for test conditions that require low forces (gm – N) & small deformations (microns – mm). A non-contact strain measurement system and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) are also available.
MTS G200 Nanoindenter
This system uses a Berkovitch diamond in-denter tip to probe surfaces of materials, providing hardness and modulus at a micron scale. Features include continuous stiffness measurement (CSM) and topographical mapping of output measures.
High-Force Testing
MTS 858 MiniBionix
Two of these mechanical testing systems are available for high force testing (N – kN) – single overload and cyclic modes. An extensometer, strain gauges and a high speed infrared camera may be used concurrently for accurate displacement
Impact Testing
Two impact test systems: Instron Drop Tower and a Via Systems pneu-matic impactor shown. These systems provide impact forces, decelerations and energy absorption during impact events.
Wear Testing
AMTI Orthopod Friction & Wear Tester
This six-station pin-on-disk device is programmable to allow variable forces and wear patterns for submerged specimens in a heated bath. Friction coefficients are provided by three triaxial load cells, which allows for screening of new materials for total joint replacement & other applications.