Community Advisory Board
The Alabama-CTU Community Advisory Board (CAB) is a coalition of diverse community members representing differences in sex, race, age or sexual orientation.
Members range from healthcare workers, religious leaders, people living with HIV/AIDS, or people from communities affected by HIV/AIDS, and the general community who want to get involved. You do not have to be an expert in HIV/AIDS or any related field to join the CAB.
The mission of the Alabama-CTU CAB is to serve as a voice for the community, ensuring that HIV prevention vaccine studies and HIV treatment studies are responsive to the needs and concerns of the communities from which study participants are recruited. We strive to create an environment of trust and mutual understanding of research issues and ensure that the values and cultural differences of participants are respected.
The CAB meets monthly on the third Wednesday at 6:00pm and the meeting lasts for approximately one hour. Dinner is provided. If you are interested in attending a meeting or joining CAB please email for more information.
Specific objectives of the CAB include the following:
Advocate for the participants and the community by addressing such issues as participant safety and rights, research ethics, informed consent, and confidentiality.
Educate the community on research methods, clinical studies, and HIV vaccine research.
Communicate the concerns and needs of the community to the researchers.
Facilitate discussion between the community and researchers by linking with local organizations.
Advise staff on community education and recruitment strategies and on communicating study findings.
Provide feedback and representation to the Global CAB, network working groups, and at other levels where network representation is needed.

Contact Us
Get In Touch
For more information on how to get involved in a study, please contact us at 205-934-6777. We will be happy to discuss these opportunities with you.