We’re thrilled for the 2024 UAB Pathology Research Retreat, where Wende Lab trainees presented their research and connected with the broader pathology community!

We’re thrilled for the 2024 UAB Pathology Research Retreat, where Wende Lab trainees presented their research and connected with the broader pathology community!
Join us in congratulating Dr. Sayan Bakshi! His successful thesis defense represents years of dedication and innovation in the Wende Lab. We’re proud to have been part of his scientific journey.
Kudos to Dr. Sayan Bakshi on his PhD defense and to Samuel Chang for securing the F30 grant. Your achievements inspire us all!
Dr. Adam Wende delivered a seminar on cutting-edge epigenetic research in the setting of heart disease at Washington University in St. Louis (WashU). Dr. Wende’s presentation, titled “Metabolic signaling in transcriptional control of heart failure,” took place on September 05, 2024. Wende had previously received his PhD from WashU.
This seminar highlighted recent breakthroughs in Wende Lab’s research on how poor glycemic control, even when corrected, continues to influence disease progression. His seminar presented compelling evidence for glucose-mediated regulation of transcriptional changes linked to pathological cardiac remodeling.
Congratulations to Dr. Wende for this prestigious opportunity!