Recent awards involving the Mass Spectrometry/Proteomics Shared Facility
- The UAB Health Services General Endowment Fund award for $245,744 towards the purchase of an AB Sciex 6500 Qtrap. This replaces the AB Sciex 4000 Qtrap installed in 2007.
- The NIH Common Fund Metabolomics Program awarded in 2012 a 5-year $450,000 Workshop grant (From Design to Decision – R25 GM103798-01) to Dr. Stephen Barnes, Director of TMPL. The workshop will provide training in metabolomics for 20 participants in 2013 and 40-50 participants in 2014-2017.
- The National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) in 2010 awarded a $469,212 Shared Instrumentation grant (S10RR027822-01) to Dr. Stephen Barnes, Director of TMPL. An AB Sciex 5600 TripleTOF Mass Spectrometer was purchased with these funds.
- The UAB Health Services General Endowment Fund award $363,350 to Dr. Stephen Barnes, Director of the Mass Spectrometry Shared Facility towards the purchase of ABI-Sciex 4000 and ABI-Sciex 3200 triple quadrupole mass spectrometers. These replace trhe API-3 triple quadrupole instrument purchased in 1993.
- The UAB Health Services General Endowment Fund awarded $200,000 in 2006 to Dr. Stephen Barnes, Director of the Mass Spectrometry Shared Facility, towards the purchase of a MALDI-TOF-TOF mass spectrometer for high throughput peptide tandem mass spectrometry and for tissue imaging mass spectrometry. Contact Dr. Jim Mobley (205-934-1470; for information about the use of this instrument.
- The National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) in 2004 awarded a $465,000 Shared Instrumentation grant to Dr. Stephen Barnes, Director of the Mass Spectrometry Shared Facility, for a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. An ABI-Sciex 4000 Qtrap was purchased with these funds.
- The National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) in 2002 awarded a $1,511,500 Shared Instrumentation grant to Dr. Stephen Barnes, Director of the Mass Spectrometry Shared Facility, for the purchase of a high field FT-ICR mass spectrometer. These funds were used to purchase two Thermofinnigan LTQ-FT-ICR-MS instruments. These are part of the UAB Laboratory for Biomedical FT-ICR-MS. Contact Dr. Matthew Renfrow (205-996-4681; for information about the use of these instruments.
- The National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) in 2002 awarded a $446,320 Shared Instrumentation grant to Dr. Helen Kim, Director of the 2D-Proteomics Laboratory, for the purchase of an integrated and robotic system for high throughput image analysis of 2D-gels, robotic gel spot excision, and in-gel digestion and spotting onto mass spectrometry target plates. Genomic Solution robots were purchased and are utilized with three types of scanners (BioRad densitometer, Perkin-Elmer ProExpress for fluorescence and Odyssey for infra-red analysis) and two image analysis systems (NonLinear Dynamics Progenesis and GE Healthcare DeCyder).
When writing manuscripts or reports, please make sure to acknowledge the origins of grant support for the Targeted Metabolomics and Proteomics Laboratory and its instruments. Purchase of the mass spectrometers in the Targeted Metabolomics and Proteomics Laboratory came from funds provided by the following NCRR grants:
- hermo Finnigan LTQ FT-ICR S10 RR17261-01
- AB Sciex 6500 UAB Health Services Foundation General Endowment Fund
- AB Sciex 4000
- UAB Health Services Foundation General Endowment Fund
- AB Sciex 5600 TripleTOF S10 RR027822-01
Funds for the operation of the Targeted Metabolomics and Proteomics Laboratory come in part from the UAB O’Brien Acute Kidney Injury Center (P30 DK079337), the UAB Lung Health Center and the UAB Center for Free Radical Biology.