About TMPL

The Targeted Metabolomics and Proteomics Laboratory (TMPL) is organized to provide a variety of analytical and technical services using mass spectrometry to UAB investigators. The laboratory has three mass spectrometers, a triple quadrupole instrument (SCIEX 4000), a quadrupole-linear ion trap instrument (SCIEX 6500 Qtrap), and quadrupole-TOF (SCIEX 5600 TripleTOF). The SCIEX 5600 TripleTOF is particularly powerful for comprehensive and targeted proteomics, lipidomics and metabolomics. The combination of Eksigent microflow 200 LC and 415 nanoLC with the mass spectrometers provides the highest possible sensitivity for sample analysis. The SCIEX 6500 Qtrap is fitted with a SelexION™ interface for ion mobility studies.

Contact Dr. Matt Renfrow about use of hi-resolution Orbitrap Velos instrument (renfrow@uab.edu; 205 996-4681).

A Bruker MALDI TOF-TOF instrument is available in the Comprehensive Cancer Center Core Laboratory of Dr. Jim Mobley (mobleyja@uab.edu; 205 996-6363).

New sample and data-handling arrangements in TMPL – investigators please note