Analysis of Human TB Tissues

GRR-HTB Analytical Platforms

  • H&E histopathological appraisal of TB lesions: necrotic, non-necrotic, caseous, caseous-necrotic, fibrotic, fibrocaseous, calcified, healed scars and cavitary lesions. Further classification, depending on the request, may include: progressive, regressive, contained and healed lesions. Modern anatomical pathology guidelines and historical classification criteria will be used.
  • Specialized staining: including, but not limited to, ZN, Prussian blue (iron), Von Kossa (calcium), MT (fibrosis), Reticulin, etc., performed according to standard procedures.
  • Routine Immunostaining: The following routine markers will be examined; CD3, CD4, CD8, CD14, CD20, CD30, CD31, CD45, CD68, CD11b, LCA, S100, MPO, elastase, etc.
  • IHC detection of Mtb antigens: Commercially available or laboratory-generated antibodies will be optimized. Already optimized antibodies include Ag85, ESAT-6, and uncharacterized surface protein (USP).
  • Multiplex immunofluorescence (mIF): Up to 30 antibody markers using the Lunaphore COMET™ platform.
  • Laser capture microdissection (LCM) of User-requested regions of interest (ROI): A Nikon LCM platform will be used for capturing ROIs for transcriptomics or proteomic analyses.
  • RNAscope (Mtb mRNA targets): An Mtb-specific RNAscope probe set has already been optimized. GRR-HTB Users will need to design and purchase their own Mtb-specific probe set in consultation with ACD Bio (USA) to ensure that probes can be designed.
  • Micro/Nano Computed Tomography (µ/nCT ) 3D structural analysis of human tissue specimens. We can analyze tissue specimens up to 20L x 20W x 20H cm using our high-resolution Bruker 2214 n/µCT scanner.
  • Spatial transcriptomics. We use NanoString GeoMX and 10X Genomics platforms for spatial transcriptomics analysis.