## load PLINK binary data and convert into text format plink --bfile ExomeChr22 --recode --out ExomeChr22 ## calculate missingness in the data plink --bfile ExomeChr22 --missing --out missing_rate ## calculate MAFs plink --bfile ExomeChr22 --mind 0.05 --freq --out MAF ## test HW Equilibrium plink --bfile ExomeChr22 --hardy --mind 0.05 --out HWE ## check relatedness in samples plink --bfile ExomeChr22 --mind 0.05 --geno 0.05 --maf 0.01 --hwe 0.00001 --genome --out ExomeChr22_IBS ## calculate PCs to control for admixture/stratification plink --bfile ExomeChr22 --read-genome ExomeChr22_IBS.genome --cluster --mds-plot 10 --out ExomeChr22_stratification ## create clean dataset for association analysis plink --bfile ExomeChr22 --remove remove_individuals.txt --mind 0.05 --geno 0.05 --maf 0.0025 --hwe 0.00001 --recode --out ExomeChr22_clean